
Archive for the ‘Farmer’ Category

Vegetablesfarmer pic

A farmer is someone who works hard for a living.

Their endless skills produce much givings,

As vegetables and fresh fruit

And meat they generate;

All at our local grocery store for us

To buy and much appreciate.

Sometimes the work of these farmers

Gets taken for granted

Because if it wasn’t for all their

Seeds they had planted,

We wouldn’t have the food so

Readily available for us to enjoy,

So the next time you see a

Farmer thank them for all their
hard work they have employed.

Everyone needs to feel appreciated

For the kind works that they do,

They may seem humble and say

That they don’t, but

In truth it would make

Them feel much happier inside too.

On behalf of the Ridgetown Community

Thank you to farmers out there everywhere

Without you,

We wouldn’t have the abundance
of food to eat or let alone share.

We are so glad to have people like you that really do care.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)
