
Archive for the ‘Faith Will Get You Through’ Category

There is an inner strength
In each one of us;
It is our faith waiting to break through
To show others its brightness;
It is there even when you may appear to be weak.
But if you open yourself up to GOD and truly seek,
That’s is when the strength shows
Its way to you;
It helps you become stronger then you ever thought possible,
To overcome any obstacle or pain that is been brought in your pathway to go through.
Our faith is what brings us new life and hope of a brighter tomorrow.
If we turn our back on it, your lives will be filled with much disappointment and sorrow.
Choose to live your life with faith and everything will eventually fall into place
Freeing you from pain and bringing you an even brighter tomorrow,
Because GOD’s love is more radiant, than a colourful rainbow after a rain,
Since the beauty of HIM is always with us, as HE always remains.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

In life there are going to be great things to look forward to in it
And also struggling that cause bleakness that makes you want to quit.
No one knows where our lives will take us
As one day you could wake up with even a sudden illness.
We need to face what life sends our way
No matter how painful the journey may be today.
There is always a brighter tomorrow to look forward to
But sometimes it may take longer than a day or two
To finally get to that point;
We just need to change our outlook or viewpoint.
This is when we can’t give up but always move forwards
Never looking back at all the pain and disappointments;
But instead looking ahead and staying positive looking forward to a brighter future with greater accomplishments.
You can’t just give up and quit because you are not only hurting yourselves but those who you love all around you.
There is an inner strength in every one of us and our faith is what brings it out
And this is what will help us make it through.
You also need to listen to that gut feeling GOD gave to you too.
Trust in GOD and open your hearts more
Because you’d be surprised of what your future has now left in store.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel
