
Archive for the ‘Faith is Like a Flower’ Category

Faith is like a flower, it needs a place to grow.
That’s why we need to attend
Church and do our best to go.
We also need to nourish our faith
Because just like a plant without it,
It would soon start to die.
That’s why it’s important to make the extra effort and at least try,
By taking the time to pray
Each and every given day;
Our faith would begin to blossom as you took the time to apply.
Why not try by doing so even today
As you will soon realize faith does pay.
A flower if it is also not nourished, it would soon begin to wilt And the pedals would eventually start to fall.
The same goes for our faith if the special time is not given towards it,
And you don’t give it your all.
It would also begin to weaken as if you just hit a great big stonewall;
Just as a flower needs light to continue to grow
So shall our faith need the same
Or we could reach an all-time spirit low.
When we want a more abundance of flowers
We need to plant more seed.
The same goes for our faith indeed.
If we would like others to experience the same zest and wonders in life,
We too need to plant our faithful seeds.

It can be as easy as showing and doing
Some thoughtful generous deeds,
Letting others who may not have ever known
A greater love to be shown;
Furthermore bringing them to God;
Who sadly may have always been just a stranger to them
And otherwise would have remained unknown.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Picture was found on a fb post)
