
Archive for the ‘Every Life Contains a Rainbow’ Category



Why does life sometimes have to hurt so much? There are so many people suffering some type of pain whether it is emotional or physical, and at times it may even seem so overwhelming that you feel you can no longer go on. Get rid of these feelings, everyone goes through these emotions one way or another whether their even ready to admit it to themselves or not. We just need to realize there are better days that lie ahead. It’s not always going to be this rough. It’s just like after a dreary rainy day—outcomes a rainbow, the same goes for our life. There may be sometimes we may have moments of trials and tribulations but it doesn’t mean it’s always going to be that way. God will help you get through this. You just need to reach out for HIS help, so many of us may think, when will these pains ever end? Just know it does get better, maybe not right away but just try and be patient a little longer because it does get eventually easier. Before you know it you’ll be thinking I’m so glad I didn’t give up on life so quickly because life is truly is worth living. We should never take our time here on this earth for granted. There are so many things to enjoy and look forward to in it. If there are people out that are making you feel useless or worthless; it is them that have the problem. They are the ones missing out on getting to know the real you. Don’t ever give them any satisfaction in allowing them to making you feel this inadequate, pull yourself up and hold your head up high. You need to learn to live your life to the fullest and to also always try and remember to enjoy every moment of this gift from God because so many people leave this earth too prematurely. Life is already too short as it is, never rush this. You need to appreciate your life and remember there is always someone out there that loves you in it and that is the one who created you, GOD OUR FATHER because to HIM we are all special and very much beautiful because in case you haven’t realized yet God never makes junk, only treasures and you are one of HIS many special gems in it.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)
