
Archive for the ‘Every Day is a Time to Give Thanks’ Category

 autumn trees by Alfonse Van Hooste

The meaning of Thanksgiving is “the expression of gratitude,

 Especially to God”, who is our creator;

And our keeper;

HE gave us so many gifts in our life to be thankful for,

But most of the time we keep wanting even more.

We are never satisfied with what we have until it is gone.

This doesn’t seem right, but rather wrong.

We need to start to appreciate the gift of our lives that GOD did create,

So we need to talk to GOD in prayer as to communicate.

We need to also thank HIM for our family and friends.

Our teachers and preachers

And Facebook friends;

How about the roof over our heads

And being able to sleep on our soft comfy beds?

We are also so blessed to have the farmers

Who help put meals on our tables so we can all be fed.

We have so much to be thankful in our daily lives,

But sometimes we get too busy to even realize.

We start to forget what matters most

Because of the modern technology to which we have become engrossed;

We need to put away our cell phones and electronic games

Even if it just for one day at most,

Because we don’t know how much longer that our lives here will remain;

And if something happens tomorrow you only have yourself to blame.

Let’s choose to live our lives with no regrets,

 So let’s put away these devices every meal time which is even better yet,

For these electronics take away from our valuable time with our loved ones;

It is because now instead of talking with each other at the supper table,

We are texting or playing video games instead,

Thus making ourselves emotionally unavailable.

 These technologies when they were first invented seemed great

But it is now how our lives choose to dictate.

If we decide to continue to let these devices run our lives

Then family time will never be the same

 Because most families now a days don’t even play board games;

We shouldn’t have to wait for a storm to knock the hydro out

So we have a burnout for this to actually come about.

What’s wrong with making this time now, as in today?

We also need to give thanks to GOD not just on “Thanksgiving Day”

But rather each and every day

Because we are truly blessed continually is so many ways.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

.(Photograph at the top of the page is By: alfonsevphotography.com)

A special thanks to Todd Vaters, the singing artist,

for allowing me to share

his beautiful gifts and talents with all of us.

Feel free to share his music on your fb.
Todd’s work is truly an inspiration to others.

Here is Todd’s site; http://www.ToddVaters.com

pic of Todd Vaters
