
Archive for the ‘Down syndrome’ Category

My niece, Tara was born to my sister
Having, “Down syndrome,”
At the young age of twenty-one;
My niece was born with an extra 21st chromosome,
Making her “special” from everyone.
It was scary at first for my sister,
But she loved her the first time
She laid eyes on her, and soon became completely smitten with her.
My sister’s heart though was later torn
And she could hardly see
Because of the tears that rolled down her cheeks,
causing the vision to blur,
It was because the doctor suggested the unthinkable
for Tara, to be put into an institution and my sister immediately said, “No!”
My sister knew her love for her daughter was genuine
And that it would never outgrow.
“I love her and she is a part of me
and she is going to live with me.”
She didn’t look at her daughter, Tara differently
Because she was filled with tremendous love for her
And that’s what all others could only see.
My family wouldn’t change anything about Tara either
Because she is very special and unique
And has one of the biggest hearts we know.
We love her so much and our love for her just continues to grow.
If only others could realize there is nothing to be ashamed about
“Down syndrome”, because they are all a part of GOD’s creation
Just like anyone of us
And there is so much we can learn from these “special” individuals.
They could make us more caring and understanding of others,
Which would also be a plus.
Many people with “Down syndrome are so carefree, lovable
And “yes” sometimes stubborn like the most of us;
But don’t degrade them or make fun of them
Because they have true feelings like everyone.
Please, don’t put these innocent people through this strife.
You would be lucky enough to have one of these
“Special” individuals in your life;
Because they are truly a “Godsend”;
I am not only blessed to have one as my niece,
But also as my dear friend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This is dedicated to my niece, Tara Myers. You are a blessing in my life! I love you! Love Always, Aunt Diane)
