
Archive for the ‘Don’t Let the Devil Win- You Deserve to be Happy’ Category

Every one of us is a child from God.
We are all unique and special in our own way.
We’re like snow prints or fingerprints.
Not one of us are the same.
There could never be another one like us.
Even a twin, triplet and so on are different.
They may look the same on the outside
But, carry special personalities or unique traits.
God has given us all such special gifts.
Sometimes we never learn what that gift is until it is too late.
We should use our gifts that God gave us
And appreciate and show our gratitude.
There are times our faith gets tested
Because Satan does not want God to win.
He puts negative thoughts and feelings
And sometimes gets us second guessing
The good that does come into our life.
He makes us think we don’t deserve the good
And so works on our doubts to try and win us.
Don’t ever give in to him.
Don’t let him win.
The devil likes to focus on your weaknesses and challenge you.
He makes you feel you don’t deserve happiness
Because of some of your wrongs that you may have done in your past
Or maybe something was done to you that never should have happened.
It was unfair to you.
God looks beyond all this. He has a very forgiving heart.
All you have to do is ask for His forgiveness and it is forgiven.
Don’t keep blaming yourself for what you’ve done wrong.
Rise above it and be strong.
God doesn’t want you to dwell on the negative.
He wants you to give everything your all.
So take all that negative energy
And ignore the devil’s whispers, thoughts or desires.
Remember you are very special, unique, and beautiful.
God doesn’t want us to think any other way.
You need to build up your self-esteem and push away any thoughts
That you are not worth it, or you are not good enough for somebody.
Next, time you feel jealous or unworthy push away those thoughts and
Ask God to help you be strong and ignore the devil.
God wants us all to know how special we are.
We need to have more faith to believe it.
It is in this we can finally put away all that negative energy
That the devil wants us to have
And fully enjoy our lives like God has intended.
Remember God loves you and you are very much worthy
To live a life full of happiness.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
