
Archive for the ‘Don’t Judge by Appearance’ Category

They say never judge a book by its cover.

The same should be however, for judging a person

By their outer appearance ever;

For you see how a person looks may not be helped
as that is how they have been genetically born to look

or Maybe it was because lack of funds is why

Their appearance took on this look.

Never the less the outside of a person doesn’t make the person,

Who they really are,

What matters is who as a person by their personalities and mannerisms matter more by far.

You may meet someone who is beautiful

And ranked as a ten,

But unfortunately their insides

Don’t always match their outer beauty when,

At times some may seem kind of mean

Or even some what type of snooty time and time again.

Where as one who may not be as attractive in your eyes

May hold a heart of gold

All because of their kindness they have to behold.

It is unfortunate some of these people

May never even get the time of day

Because to some of you they don’t match up

To your expectations or a ray,

Or maybe it is due to the fact you are quite worried about what others may think or say.

Sometimes if you make the effort

At least by giving them half a chance,

You will then no longer see them for how they may

Look on their outside because their inner beauty

Will begin to shine through and enhance.

You may even find a special friendship

Start to bloom,

Even though you may never thought it to be possible

Or let alone ever would assume.

All because you broke the expectations of what society would have expected
And chose to get to really know that person instead of how their looks may have projected.

Just think how much you would have truly missed out on if you didn’t open your heart
and just judged on what others may have thought or said.

Because now you will come to realize this

New friendship of yours that has now been made

Makes you feel truly blessed inside

That you never would want to ever trade.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
