
Archive for the ‘Domestic Violence’ Category

Domestic Violence is an on going problem in our society. It is when you or someone you know is being either verbally or physically abused by someone who poses to love them. A person like this abuser may claim to love their victim but, unfortunately someone who shows these unlawful behaviors is incapable of love; unless they under going treatment for their anger and even still there is no guarantee that this person will change.

Some people feel if it is just emotional or verbal abuse that it doesn’t constitute for being considered an abusive situation but in fact, this type of abuse can be very hurtful and destructive, as it may cause long lasting deep scars. No one deserves to be treated in this manner. Sometimes a once confident person may start to have low self-esteem. They are feeling they had this happened to them for a reason because they must have provoked them or even deserved to be treated this way. Take those unjustified thoughts out of your head. GOD doesn’t expect you to live a life such as this in pain.

Your abuser may try and justify the reasons for hurting you,
As they are trying to get rid of their own feelings of this guilt but there really is no justifications for these horrible actions. They might also limit you spending time with your loved ones or friends because they are extremely jealous or possessive of you. This leaves you walking always on egg shells for fear of setting your abuser off causing him to be set into the hurting mode releasing all his anger and power that he seems to hold over you. Your abuser will choose to use fear, guilt, shame and intimidation to keep them under their controlling spell because they want you to be afraid of them so you will always do what they expect from you.

Your abuser may try doing this by putting even more fear in you by saying if you were to leave them they will kill or hurt someone you love or maybe threaten to commit suicide just so you won’t leave.

Whatever you do don’t give them the upper hand like you have been doing all along because if you stay you unfortunately may not live to see tomorrow.

What kind of life is this really for you and your children? You need to get help quickly, if not only for yourself but, for your children so they can be taught this is not acceptable behavior and that they too deserve to be treated well. This abuse needs to be stopped before it becomes too much of a vicious circle and you as the victim becomes another statistic of a horrible crime.

There is help out there for you, so just push away any of that pride that may be stopping you and make that important call which could really change your life for the better or even possibly safe it. You no longer need to live your life in so much fear. You are not alone because help is just a phone call away.

You can call 911 or 1-866-863-0511. These are people who genuinely care and are willingly there to help you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
