
Archive for the ‘Do You have Faith?’ Category

pic of jesus- Gary Carter Jr. drew

Are things always going wrong with your life?
You feel like nothing is right because all the strife.
Do you also feel like you are all alone in this world?
And no one to turn to,
Because you haven’t found anyone,
You can nearly depend on that you knew.
Maybe you are feeling like there is joy missing,
For your heart has been aching,
As it has wanted something more
And that is because it has been thinking there had to be more
To life that was in store.
Ask yourself have you ever been truly happy inside?
Maybe you have felt this way for a very long while
and you don’t care even to admit.
There was dozens of times
and because of this you could have nearly cried.
If this sounds like you,
Maybe there is something valuable missing
That you were unaware of before
Because your mind does not wish to explore;
Sometimes if we cannot see something
Our minds convince us it is not real.
That’s because this is how some of us
have been brought up and taught to deal.
But, something’s such as GOD may not be able to be visually scene
but, with a new found faith you will feel HIS workings into action
that you may have foreseen.
What if you gave faith a chance?
What do you have to loose perchance?
Start out by praying for things to change for the better
and you will find that things will transform
in your life making you feel less bitter.
What started out as one prayer may turn into more
because you will see the strength that comes from having
Faith, when you choose to participate and give it an encore.
The emptiness you had felt inside
Will no longer reside
Because GOD has filled your heart with joy,
You will no longer be able to hide
And when HE is involved in your life, no man can even destroy
Leaving you with a happier lifetime for you to now go out and enjoy!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is by the artist: Gary Carter Jr., Ridgetown, ON., CANADA)

“Thank you Gary, you my cousin, are an amazing artist!”



This is a picture of a man who was Atheist turns Believer.

It is a touching testimony that will bring you to tears.

Come check out the story on this website


video of athetist turns believer
