
Archive for the ‘Depression’ Category

pic of Robin Williams with help line

When someone is affected with depression,

It makes them feel relatively lonely

And like their life doesn’t matter at all.

Their troubles or worries for them seem so big,

Rather than just small;

Sometimes it makes them also want to stay all day in bed

Because their life to them they have now begun to dread.

That is because all kinds of negative thoughts

Are now going on through their mind

 This doesn’t only happen occasionally but most of the time;

This is what happens to the mind because this disease will feed,

Planting nothing ever positive but only negative seed;

It makes you see or feel the worst of things

And blinds you from those who care,

Making you feel as though the love you wanted is never there.

But this is so further from the truth causing you just despair.

You are very important and this life of yours

Won’t always feel like this nightmare.

So don’t give up on anything, including you.

Despite what you may think, you do matter

And you are needed here too.

For the world would be lost without your presence

And the joy you have added to everyone you knew.

You have a lot to offer those around, including you

Because no one can ever replace you

As we are all one of a kind

Because that is how GOD made us

For we are all special to HIM and such a rare find;

Don’t allow those negative images

Or thoughts to cloud the judgement in your mind

Instead pray for help to rid you of those feelings,

So they don’t cost you any more valued time

Or worse costing you your life leaving those you love saddened

And very much in pain;

This is not fair as there is no joy left here to be gained.

Today may not be a great day,

And tomorrow may be just as grey

But there are always brighter days ahead

Pushing those negative thoughts away;

We just need to be patient instead

For our miracles of happiness

Are coming along on its way

But sometimes we give up too soon

And it’s our loved ones that are left now to pay.

Don’t give up

Because you are loved

And your are needed

So don’t be left feeling defeated.

Your life just needs a little tune-up that’s all

Prayer can go a long way on this trip when you fall.

It will help your mind to heal which is the key to happiness and

Life’s most important tip,

So if you wish to have happiness back in your lives

Rather than having your joy in life slip,

Refuse to give up on life because it is worth every bit.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Dedicated in memory of Robin Williams July 21, 1951- August 11, 2014

You were an amazing actor who touched the lives of many people around the world, including me. You always managed to make me laugh, I thank you for that. Robin, you will be sadly missed.)

(Picture a top of page is of Robin Williams)

pic from Faith Tap for ,You Are Needed (poem)

 (This photo is taken from Faith Tap)

pic of moving sun

Are you feeling so down and blue?

That everything now seems to bother you?

You are feeling so rotten as if you have had the constant flu?

Only these emotions are worse

Because they never appear to get away from you.

Sometimes it makes you hide away, not wanting to talk to others,

So you push them all away.

There is no break from these emotions for you feel

As though they are here with you to stay.

If only you could be rid of them for even a few hours of a day.

This makes you not want to get out of bed

For the days ahead, you just now dread.

It is because of this you wish to stay in your pajamas all morning

 And into the afternoon, not even caring about being fed;

When it comes to night time, well it can never come too soon

Because you look forward to going back to bed in your room;

You have even gotten out of wanting to cook

So your body is aching because it is lacking nourishment

As the only food you have now seen lately

Have been pictures from a cook book.

You have somehow lost your appetite now

So all the food has now taken on an unappealing look.

Your soul too is aching and so the tears

Flow so easily now,

Making you feel like sadness will no longer

Let happiness in life to be allowed.

  You can now see yourself crying at just the drop of a hat.

You tell yourself, “What is up with that?”

But know you are not alone

And others will be there for you to go out to bat;

There are things you can do for yourself and it starts with getting

Out of those p.j’s and taking a shower and more than just that.

Try putting on your favourite jewellery or outfit or make-up too.

It’s like playing dress up with yourself

And it makes you feel better about you.

If you are a guy, this is not what you would actually want to do

But you could try shaving and showering

So you smell better to others and more importantly to even you.

If you don’t smell or look good, this can affect how you feel about you.

You don’t need to get away to dress up for the day.

You can do this on any particular day,

So why not try doing so today.

It could change how you feel

And make you happier in life

Because these efforts you put forth can make a difference that is real,

 Rather than sitting all alone feeling sorry for oneself

 Because all that would happen here is

That all your happiness it would steal.

You could also try watching a comedy or listening to your favourite tunes

And calling an old dear friend

And before you know it your mind and soul would be on the mend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture by netanimations.net)

Have you ever had that kind of day?
That was so wonderful
You wish you could repeat it per say.
You had such an amazing time
But that period in your life went
So fast, it felt like such a crime.
Think back to that special moment in time,
On how good it had felt,
That you only wish that
It would have last a lifetime.
Sometimes our days on the other hand may go the total
Opposite because that’s how life can actually be;
Things may not always go as planned
And I am sure you too can also agree,
Things might get bad for awhile
Appearing that everything is going so terribly wrong;
It in turns makes you feel like giving up
Because those depressing feelings are quite strong;
Just know things won’t always be this way
And that one special day you had
May never be able to be repeated
But you can still create other just
As special moments for yourself someday, so don’t feel defeated.
For if you choose to have GOD as an important part of your life,
Then all the bad things in life
Will be outweighed with the good
Allowing you a happier livelihood;
And now your new found faith
Will keep you better off and more understood,
The way our lives always should.
Making yourself appreciate your life as a gift
The way GOD had intended it to be,
Creating a happier outlook on life
Not only for you, but for others now to see
Because they see the beauty of your faith
Shining through and how it radiates from you,
Making them stronger believers in GOD now too,
All because you chose to leave your negativity behind
And put your faith into action
By trusting in GOD to help guide you ,
So now beauty and joy will be there

Making your life the happier kind.
This will also show to others what happiness they can have too,
If GOD in their life they really knew.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Depression takes a toll
On anyone’s happiness.
It can make you feel like you are no longer in control.
It can rob you of any delight or pleasure
Since depression gives bad measure.
No one is free from depression
When it takes hold
Because it makes one’s life start to unfold;
You cannot let depression win
Or your happiness will never begin.
Try thinking positive for a change
And things may start to look up in exchange.
It may not be easy to do at first
Because things had gotten so bad
And have been at the worst.
But with prayer, there is hope
Making it easier to now cope,
To conquer this disease
From taking over your being,
Making happiness in life to bring
Because it is joy you are now seeing.
You are now coming out on top, for a first;
Because your negative feelings have now been reversed.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of moving smile sun

Without hope what is there to look forward to in life?
We need to never give up our positive outlooks, even in times of strife.
There are going to be many painful aspects in our journeys
That we may have to face;
But with a strong faith we will make it all happen
And in due time, with God’s undying grace;
There are moments that the tunnel seems to look darkened
And that there is no way out;
But, in truth faith brings us all hope
And that is what life is all about.
It is once we come to finally realize this we will soon
Be able to see the light
And in turn give our lives a worthwhile chance
Or even a fair, much deserving fight.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photo Taken From netanimations.net)


pic of a cat (Don't Give Up!)

Are you or someone you love suffering from depression? Do you feel that the happy life as you used to know is gone for good? Well you are not alone; in fact this affects millions of people worldwide. I have seen this happen firsthand to some of the people I know and love. It is so painful to watch.

Sometimes you may feel that this person struggling with it appears to have given up on their life; this really tears at your heart strings, leaving you feeling torn up inside. Trust me I know, as I have seen personally what depression can do, I have witnessed it happen throughout my entire life to others and yes, even to myself. Most of the time with this disease it makes you feel like not even wanting to get out of bed each morning or even throughout the day.

Depression is basically a disease but, you have to realize that even though it feels like it is taken over your body that you are still in control. You just have to never give up hope and to turn your faith to GOD, OUR FATHER. It is amazing what a change will then take place. Another important thing to do is stay positive; this is half the battle. I can’t stress this enough how important this is if you choose to rise above all of this. I know this seems easier said than done but it can and will be possible.

The key is to never give up no matter what battle or troubles you may have to face. Sometimes it feels like you are all alone in this, basically making you feel like no else understands and sometimes this may be truly the case, but we all have had been one time or another at the end of our ropes, so to speak making us want to give up on our life. It may feel like our lives are more of a burden but in all honesty they are truly a gift. I have always known this from my faith, but in fact now that I am living with cancer I feel this now more than ever. I realize that there are so many blessings for each one of us and we need to take hold of them before we lose them. It wasn’t until I had to endure the pain from this disease and to literally fight for my life that I realized how truly precious life truly is.

When you are going through depression you feel no one is worse off than you, that you have things so bad, but what I have learned there is always someone out there struggling or worse off than yourself. We all have our own crosses to carry. You can rise above this pain, but the most important thing for you to realize is if you want to rid yourself of this disease, than you need to start helping yourself, rather than just sitting back feeling sorry for oneself. This will never work because it will just allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper where no one can actually reach out to help you. Do not allow yourself to be shut away from others that care about you. They are there because they love you and want to be there for you. Depression is not only affecting you but them as well.

This terrible disease takes hold of everyone involved. The most important thing to realize is there is hope out there. We just need to sometimes realize we may need to get a little outside help from GOD or from a friend or family member and maybe even from a qualified counselor. If this is you, do not feel weak or that you are just troubled. It affects the best of us and it is okay to sometimes ask for help. It is sometimes just what we need to help get us through these rough times. If you see your loved one going through this depression make sure you stay constant in your loved ones life, no matter if they seem to push you away. This is not them talking but the disease.

Sometimes they may need a little space, but don’t give them too much or they are just going to sink further into this disease causing them into a deeper depression where sometimes it may feel they may never get out of it. Show them that no matter what you are there for them. This is not going to happen overnight unfortunately, as it is an ongoing struggle that does take a lot of time and perseverance on both your parts. You need to keep praying to GOD for strength to get you all through this. HE does listen but we really need to be patient as we wait for HIM to answer our call. HE sees and hears your pain. HE wants you to come to HIM to seek HIS help and guidance.
Sometimes you may feel you don’t have the strength to go on but there is refuge for you.

No matter how bad you may possibly feel you are never alone. YOU are always loved by GOD and by so many others. You just need to never give up on HIM or yourself. You can beat this once and for all if you choose to. It may not always be easy to do but it is feasible. It may also take some hard work on your part as well. Sometimes you may have to take baby step by baby step to reach your goal and that is okay because everything good in life does takes some effort.

You are going to have some good days and some bad days during this journey and this unfortunately is a reality but if you want to have this happy and zest for life again then you have to work on it and trust in GOD to help get you through. Remember to never give up, no matter how bleak your life may seem because life is truly worth embracing and truly worth fighting for.

I pray for anyone reading this today that GOD gives you the strength to experience the joy back into your lives and may

GOD bless each and every one of you!
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is from Godfruits.com)

I close my eyes
Trying to hold back the tears
But all I can do is let out a great big sigh
Because of my sorrows and fears;
There is so much going on in my life
That all looks to be grim;
For even today, the sun seems rather dim.
I just wish I could start my day all over
As there seems to be no brightness in today;
This sometimes happens when the sky appears
To be full of clouds and rather gray.
It is funny how the weather
Can somehow shape our moods,
But we can still manage to make our days brighter
Even if the sun that day does not comply;
We just need to tell ourselves to stop feeling sorry for oneself
And rather look around at all the blessings that GOD does supply.
You might be surprised how many truly there are
That you could actually write one outstanding memoir;
All you need to do is appreciate all that you do have as in food, shelter,
Friends and family that are both far and nearby;
As well as GOD who is always there for you to rely.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

In life there are going to be great things to look forward to in it
And also struggling that cause bleakness that makes you want to quit.
No one knows where our lives will take us
As one day you could wake up with even a sudden illness.
We need to face what life sends our way
No matter how painful the journey may be today.
There is always a brighter tomorrow to look forward to
But sometimes it may take longer than a day or two
To finally get to that point;
We just need to change our outlook or viewpoint.
This is when we can’t give up but always move forwards
Never looking back at all the pain and disappointments;
But instead looking ahead and staying positive looking forward
To a brighter future with greater accomplishments.
You can’t just give up and quit because you are not only hurting yourselves
But those who you love all around you.
There is an inner strength in every one of us and our faith is what brings it out
And this is what will help us make it through.
You also need to listen to that gut feeling GOD gave to you too.
Trust in GOD and open your hearts more
Because you’d be surprised of what your future has now left in store.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Depression can affect both the young and the old, the rich, the poor, as depression doesn’t play any favourites. It is a disease that can cause great feelings of both sadness and hopelessness in any one. This does not make you weak, but only human. It sometimes makes it even extremely hard to see the good in anything. It may be hard to lift yourself out of bed or do the regular every day chores you used to so easily be able to accomplish. This is because your sadness makes you feel rather sluggish and anything now becomes a challenge to you. You may even want to isolate yourselves from those you love, as you are just so depressed that you want to be left alone. There are many others that experience these same feelings so don’t feel ashamed. These are the times we need to turn to GOD and pray for HIS help. It is also time to allow our friends in to help. Don’t turn them away. They are there because they truly care about you. You may also find you need to turn to a counselor and that too is okay. This does not make you crazy!

It’s like I mentioned earlier, these are real legit human feelings. I am not promising this healing journey will be an easier or a short one but, I do promise you will eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel, or a rainbow in your mist because it will eventually get better. But you have to first start telling yourself this is possible and believing it as well. You also need to change your way of thinking. In other words stop being negative about everything and if you start by saying, “I can’t”, switch it to “I mean I can and I will”. At first this is a hard challenge to do but with constant practice, prayer and perseverance you will overcome this disease and be on top.

If you have a friend or family going through this depression don’t give up hope, be patient with them and be there for them. Because everyone, even if they are afraid to admit to it at the time, still need a friend; you can make a difference in their life and quite possible save them during their darkest and weakest moments. Pray for their healing, so that they too may once again find the experience of joy back in their lives. Never give up faith and certainly never give up hope! GOD BLESS!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

We can choose to be happy if we want to. In order to have this we first need to choose to have God first and up most in our life. Great things happen when you’ve made this choice. God is the answer to all our prayers and our happiness. We will never feel fulfilled if we are lacking this faith in God. We need to take this big leap in Faith and put all our trust in God. Great things will start to happen to you, and in your life. If you make that change great things will happen because just like the words from song say “Great Things Happen When God Mixes with Man”. The person who wrote this song really knew what they were talking about because this is so very true.

There may be times others may challenge your faith, because they try and put doubts in you. Never let your faith to falter. We never should give up our hope and faith in God. God is always there for you we just need to let go of our fears and really trust in the Lord. He will lead you on HIS right path and out of darkness. First let go of any temptations or evil wrong doings and repent to God. We need to ask God for HIS forgiveness. God is Our FATHER. He loves us. HE will forgive you if you truly are sorry. At the same time you need to forgive yourself. God would want that as well.

If you put your life in God’s hands your life will now have more meaning. It is not too late to choose God and omit your mistakes. It is better to show God your love now than to never have shown him. Remember God brings us many blessings in life. We need to never take any of them for granted and cherish them while we still can. Praise God for everything! Rejoice in HIM always! Your happiness in life will soon follow.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
