
Archive for the ‘Dating is Like Fishing’ Category

picture of Martin and the boys fishing
On many occasions throughout our living years,
Dating has been compared to fishing it appears.
“Don’t worry”, many will say.
“There are plenty more fish in the sea.”
But to you these are the last words you ever wish to hear.
I am sure you too will also have to agree;
It hurts for you to ever think this person wasn’t ever the one.
Sometimes you feel if I can’t have this person
Than you would rather have none.
It seems like so many times all you ever happen to
Reel in these days are those who you
Consider not to be as keepers,
Leaving you once again with feelings of both sadness
And despair for what you have now caught
Because happiness, you certainly have definitely not.
What happens then if all you ever happen to catch
Are those who you really wish not to seek?
Now to you this mission of dating seems kind of bleak.
Well as a wise person once said,
“Why it’s easy in fact just try changing the bait.”
You would be surprised afterwards to see
What you could reel in after such a long agonizing wait.
The key is staying true to oneself and more importantly to God
And eventually your wish you had hoped to achieve
May very well become not just a dream
But a part of your reality and not to mention
Your greatest catch up to date;
All because you never gave up on believing in yourself
And your mission, as well come to the realization
That everyone deserves someone to be happy with.
This is all quite possible for you
If you just have some faith.
This is the truth that could be of your future
And of you new found fate.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of cats fishing

(Photo Taken From netanimations.net By: Elvis Weathercock)

He did an amazing job on this picture!

