
Archive for the ‘Count Your Blessings’ Category

I woke up this morning feeling very gloom.
I wanted to feel happiness but, the sadness had consumed.
Why can’t I feel happy I said to myself?
I still have my health and some wealth
But, something was still missing.
I realized I hadn’t started my day out right.
I forgot to talk to God, no wander nothing seemed bright.
There had been many a fight to my dismay.
After, praying to God and making my plight,
Things started to get better right away.
Because in walked my little boy
With the most beautiful bloom,
As he reached over with a great concern to hand me the flower he said,
“Mommy, please don’t be sad, I picked you this flower to show you just how much I love you;
And to tell you that you are the
Best mommy in the whole wide world.”
Another thing I forgot to do that morning before I had started out, was to count my many blessings
Because each day they had grew.
So as I went to bed that night,
I said a little prayer to thank God
For everything, including you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
