
Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

GOD doesn’t expect us to live our lives perfectly.
But, HE does though expect us to live it correctly.
We need to take time out to help others.
Not always expecting for some change.
Every deed shall be done,
Not always waiting for an exchange.
Try and be there for each other.
Visit those who under the weather.
Take time also for the lonely,
For they too need to see and feel your love.
As you see all these deeds do not go
On unnoticed as GOD watches above,
Another thing you can do
Is to stay away from temptations,
These sinful actions may also lead to addictions.
We need to stay away from these
If we are to ever remain on track,
So remember this special philosophy for Christianity
And somehow make this pack.
These known facts will keep you from going astray and keep your values intact.
You can do this by using the bible as your guide
and so you will follow the laws of GOD, that HE so wishes for us to abide.

Written By: Diane VanBommel
