
Archive for the ‘Choose Life (contemplating suicide)’ Category

For those of you contemplating suicide know this is not the answer. If you give into these desires, you are giving into the devil. It pleases him that you would be joining him at his dwelling place in Hell. The pain you seek to get away from is nothing compared to the Hell where you’d be going. You would be living eternally in pain and never given a chance for any kind of opportunity for happiness. If you end up there you would never again be able to see your loved ones. Could you really do that to yourself and to them?
This is not a solution; don’t give in to the devil. If you feel you are becoming weak and having such thoughts it’s not too late to turn to God in prayer. He will then give you the strength needed to get through these troubles. God loves you! HE is always there for us. We just need to call on him for HIS help. Remember everyone has bad days; life isn’t always “a bed of roses”. There will always be some down times but it does get better, hang in there! You need to realize you have a lot to offer to yourself and to others as well if you choose not to give up on yourself, as your life will then start to finally turn around. You just have to have faith and trust in God. You will later soon come to realize that your life truly is worth living, so instead please choose life!!! This pleases God.

If ever you are ever feeling unwanted and unloved know that God does love you and is always there for you, think about your loved ones you would leave behind. If you love them how could you put them through such grief and horrible tremendous pain? It’s not fair to them; they would be left in so much sorrow. Everyone has troubles and arguments, don’t handle it this way. You need to work it out instead.

This pain you’re carrying isn’t forever, be patient and wait it out. God promises it does get better; we just need to never lose faith and believe. It’s very much worth it. God will choose our time according to HIS plan and it is well worth the wait. When it comes to the time HE chooses we will than be able to join our loved ones and with God himself in heaven. The only way we can get there is to do it God’s way and by God’s time. You know now what decision you need to make and that is to give your life another chance, Choose Life, Choose Love.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
