
Archive for the ‘Chocolate’ Category


choc. strawberry

isolated chocolate bar

There are so many different kinds

Of chocolate to choose from

Such as dark, milk chocolate and white too;

As well as many more to which we ever knew.

Each one brings us many sweet pleasures.

How can that taste be ever measured?

And how can one decide?

When there are so many to choose from,

For one to eat in one large stride.

Let’s face it you can never stop at just one bite

Because when you take that first one,

Those cravings have now let alone just begun.

Probably after reading all
about this chocolate to explore,
you maybe soon running right out

Your very front door

And quite possibly to the very next available variety store

Because you just have to indulge in that sweet

Tasting chocolate bar;

So your body will stop craving

For that chocolate as much,

As you have now gave into this

Rewarded treat as such,

When you decided to run and finally buy it at the store.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)
