
Archive for the ‘Change is Sometimes Hard’ Category

As the years go by
Times change, people change and life does change.
If only things could stay the same
Because sometimes it can be painful or feel rather strange;
Maybe you have to start a new job,
Or you have to get a new doctor
Or even move to a different town.
Sometimes due to your failing health
or age you may even have
To move into a nursing home,
This brings more than a frown.
If only life could slow down some,
So we can enjoy all the things we love.
But, no matter what we need to appreciate everything from GOD up above.
It is unfortunate that time only moves forwards
And never backwards;
This is a part of life we need to accept
As in everything that may come our way.
Try and look at the good in this “change”.
Maybe it is not as bad as you may have thought.
Looking at life in this new light
Can bring you more happiness and maybe even a lot;
Change doesn’t always have to be bad
And soon with the right kind of attitude it might
Prove to be the greatest time in your life you ever had.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Written in dedication to my dear friend, Jean Gosnell who was my inspiration for this writing; May GOD continue to strengthen you during the changes in your life.)
