
Archive for the ‘Beauty Lies All Around Us’ Category

pic of flying birdpic of flying birdbird sings

children laughing


There is beauty that lies all around us.
Children’s laughter,
Birds singing and
Stars that bring us true light.
All of these bring joy to our hearts which also gives us pure delight.
There are also rainbows after a very long rain.
This makes us feel we have a lot to gain.
They are such a beauty to behold.
These are all gifts from God,
That are more precious than gold.
Take time to smell the roses,
Take time to enjoy life
And you may even want to take time to fly a kite.
Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.
Spend time on things that bring us light.
Love one another, care for each other
And never give up on your relationship without a fight.
Things that are most important in life are which brings us sight.
Cherish the important things,
Focus less on those that don’t.
Put your time and energy on the things that do matter.
Because these that mean most in your life
Should be what is filling your platter.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)

Note: Moving Photos of birds taken from netanimations.net)
