
Archive for the ‘Anger Makes You a Prisoner’ Category


   a pic of someone arguing

                                        pic of someone angrypic of ball and chain

Are you full of anger for someone

That you find it hard to forgive?

Have they done something so wrong

That in your mind you just can’t out live?

You feel in your heart they don’t deserve your love

Or any type of happiness you can think of.

Because why should they, with what they have put you through?

But because you have held on to this grudge your pain now grew.

The anger you now carry is like bricks of lead,

Wishing you could put these worries now to bed.

It may also feel like a ball and chain is wrapped around your ankle,

Making it harder to move leaving you sometimes unable;

For the stress it now brings has also taken over your life

Because all you have now is lots of worry and strife,

 There will no longer be any joy left in your life.

You need to allow yourself to be able to heal

By ridding yourself of the anger you now feel

Or any type of a happiness you have, it will steal.

Forgiveness is sometimes one of the hardest things to do

But one of the most rewarding because of all the freedom it gives you.

Don’t put off another second of allowing yourself to be angry with anyone.

Because sometimes we may not be given a second chance at one;

Forgive now before it becomes too late

Or a lifetime of unhappiness will become your fate.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)

