
Archive for the ‘A Trip to the Dentist’ Category

dentist pic
Not everyone is delighted to see the dentist
Even though there is nothing to fear
Although many children and adults think otherwise
And sometimes may even shed a tear.

It is a scary moment for some
As they think back to the times they
Had a cavity filled and sometimes
Having to have even more than one;
This made them not want to ever come
Back as these terrible thoughts had once returned
Making it virtually impossible now to overcome,

When it was all said and done
The worrying was for nothing
Although there was some pain
But, the finished product brought
their teeth to be in better shape again;
It was so worth coming to the dentist
Because now at least the mouth is in better form
And healthier in fact
And your teeth will be a lot happier for it
As you took this preventive measure
from ever allowing them from ever becoming now black.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Picture was taken from Office.com)
