
Archive for the ‘A Shoulder to Cry On (The pain of love when it is not reciprocated )’ Category

It is so painful to watch your teenager
Being faced with the reality of love,
On how love can hurt
And how love can cause pain;
It is so difficult when the other person
Doesn’t feel the same;
Unfortunately this may not be the first time
Or even the last time
Their heart will be broken
Because the other heart has now spoken.
If only we could make that person
Fall in love with them
And allow them to see the special
Person that you always see;
Our lives would be perfect
Wouldn’t it, if this could actually be?
For now, we need to be their shoulder to cry on
And let them grieve
But allow them to never to give up hope
On finding true love
Because it will happen when they least expect it,
When one chooses to believe;
Sometimes they may meet
A dozen contenders in the meantime
Before love takes that special seat
And before long the pain they had felt will be left in the past,
For this new love they have waited for,
Was the one that was meant to last.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel
