
Archive for the ‘A Mother’s Love’ Category

As a mother holds her child for the first time
There is this indescribable feeling and tremendous bond of love.
This precious little being was an amazing gift
Sent to her from God up above.
This tiny human person is depending on her
Love and guidance to help him/her to grow;
So they can become a happy individual with
Knowledge to guide them through the struggles in life as we know;
Sometimes we are blessed to have a mom in our life for a very long time.
But occasionally some people may not have been
Given that same type of opportunity
As theirs may have been cut rather short, from tragic unexpected events;
So their loss felt to them as such a horrible crime.
That is why it is so important to count the blessings
We do have and try to spend
Some moments with our mom’s and our other loved ones because each day
We have with them is a gift to be cherished.
Although they may not be there to “hold our hands all of our lives”, they will be with us forever in our hearts and even in some of our dreams
And someday once again for eternity in heaven, to be rejoined together
As God Himself has promised and that is to never again be separated ever.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: Jocelyn Meloche)
