
Archive for the ‘A Father’s Love’ Category

Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there!!!


Martin and Carter
Some of us may be lucky enough to have one of
The most amazing dads in this world.
Some of which may not always have the same DNA
As us but step up to the plate
when others may walk away, making them the most deserving
To hold this special title or place.
Dads are there for us when there are
troubles in life we may have to face,
As when we were young and had fallen from our bikes or from a tree
They were there to put a Band-Aid on our scraped arm or scuffed up knees.
Some dads take us to our games
Or the shopping mall to do some shopping.
Some dads are even great cooks, some may not
But do better so at the carving.
Some are great athletes or the best fisherman
For the many fish they have caught.
Some may even be the…

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Martin and Carter
Some of us may be lucky enough to have one of
The most amazing dads in this world.
Some of which may not always have the same DNA
As us but step up to the plate
when others may walk away, making them the most deserving
To hold this special title or place.
Dads are there for us when there are
troubles in life we may have to face,
As when we were young and had fallen from our bikes or from a tree
They were there to put a Band-Aid on our scraped arm or scuffed up knees.
Some dads take us to our games
Or the shopping mall to do some shopping.
Some dads are even great cooks, some may not
But do better so at the carving.
Some are great athletes or the best fisherman
For the many fish they have caught.
Some may even be the best teachers in your life there is to be
Or one of your dearest friends you ever had,
If you’re quite lucky;
There may be times though you may not always see eye to eye
But the love you have for each other will never go away
Because it is here with you both to stay;
We need to cherish the time we still have with our dads though,
As we just never know
When things may happen in life
To tear us all apart;
We need to feel blessed and realize our time together
Here is a gift from the very start
And if your dad has already passed on that
It is not a forever thing
Although your heart may be continuously
Feeling like it’s breaking.
You need to remember you will be rejoined again later
For an eternity with him when
God chooses to do so
As HE has a special timing
And plan for each one of us,
As we will all later come to learn and know.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: Jocelyn Meloche)
