
Archive for the ‘50 Golden Years’ Category

50th Anniversary pic1

It is hard to believe 50 years ago today,
We made our vows to each other
To promise to be together, beside each other’s side to stay;
As each day passes my love for you grows
Because I feel so blessed to have you as my partner, you know.
You are also my lover and my dear friend.
We have always made the perfect blend.
You the quiet one
And me the outspoken one
We finish each other’s sentences
Or know each other’s thoughts before a word may even have begun;
I remember way back when
When we made our first start together as man and wife
You really brought happiness to my life,
Especially when the children came along
I felt like this family we created,
Was where I had always longed to belong.
We had so many trips together, that we always had fun.
All the happiness I felt then would be as if a lottery we had won.
The children are all grown up now
With little grand kids on the way
And we are where we had talked about
Years ago, about becoming old and gray,
Sitting on our porch swing holding hands and laughing every day;
I thank GOD for each moment that I have had with you, including today.
I pray that we have many more years to celebrate
And many more blessings along the way
As we continue on this journey together enjoying each new day.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)
