
Take the Diane Challenge to Living a Better Life

Posted on: March 9, 2015


Take the Diane Challenge

 to Living a Better Life

I wrote this in hopes of sharing all the things

I have learned on my journey here,

so that maybe you could try in applying them in your lives

 And my special hope is that this information

may enrich all your lives.

Love, Diane ❤


D- Don’t stop believing in yourself

I- Ignore the temptations of the devil ie, drugs, alcohol

A- Always give out compliments

N- Never judge others

E- Everyday tell your loved ones you love them


C-“Can’t” is a word that should no longer be a part of your vocabulary

H-Halt any more negative thinking

A-Always look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful and that you are special

L-Love one another

L-Listen to that gut feeling of yours that is GOD’s way of communicating with you

E- Embrace life as a gift

N- Never hold a grudge

G- GOD should be always first in your life

E- Enjoy every day as if it were your last


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

8 Responses to "Take the Diane Challenge to Living a Better Life"

Wow! Another beauty Diane!! Hope you are having a good day.

Thank you so much!!! That is so nice of you to say.

Diane ❤

Well said Diane! As always, you are an inspiration! Love you always!!!!

Thank you so much!!! That is so sweet of you to say and means so much to me!!! I love you too!!!!

Love Always,

Di ❤ xoxo

thank u Diane! What a friend u are!

Thank you so much Michelle!!! You are totally sweet!!!

Di ❤ xoxo

Oh my goodness Diane (little sis) that writing is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Well done!! You continue to amaze me. Love you!!! Your big sis!!!! 😘

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Awe, Jane, that is so sweet of you to say!!! Thanks for the compliment Big sis!!! I love you so much and I always will!!! I am so glad GOD blessed me with you being in my life!!!!

Love Always,
Di ❤ xoxoxo

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