
Forgetful Forties

Posted on: February 15, 2015

picture about losing keys, cell phone, etc.

Most days start out with me walking into a room,

Only to forget why I entered there,

So I leave that room too soon.

I then shortly remember when I have actually left,

So I have to go back to get what was there that I kept.

My memory loss doesn’t stop there

As I misplace things everywhere.

Where did I put my keys today?

I thought I hung them up like the other day.

Only to find out that I left them in a pocket

Or in my jewellery box near my favourite locket per say;

My cellphone I too mislay on several occasions by the way.

This usually happens when my ringer I had shut off,

So it becomes a worry to find my phone

Before the batteries die and it will soon shut off.

This problem of forgetfulness not only happens at home

But even while shopping, so my anxiety sometimes has then grown.

It happens when I go to pay my bill,

Only to find out I can’t remember where

I put my bank card when I reach the till.

I guess I am not alone in being forgetful,

As I have had my friend lose her glasses

And they have become quite difficult to find,

For without them she is quite blind.

Sometimes they are found not too far away

Because sometimes they are left on her head

Like when she had last read,

As she did so just the other day;

It was embarrassing to her,

But quite funny to me I should say.

Remember the next time you become forgetful

You are not alone as this happens to the best of us

As our minds get preoccupied with all of what goes on today, with all the fuss.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This poem is dedicated to my dear friend, Amie Hawco,

who gave me this fun idea to write on this topic.)

(Picture is a Minion Quote’s photo)


“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times

 the same good things for the first time.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

(Music video, “I Forgot” By : Navkant Thakut is taken from YouTube.com)


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