
Archive for February 2015

Heavenly FATHER I ask you to watch over

 All my family and friends, not just for today

But each and every day;

Please, bring them comfort in their hours of need

And give them inner strength so their souls may feed.

 Please let them know that they are never alone

And please also let them see

So much love to be shown.

I would also like them to feel much joy in their lives

And so there will be much less pain and less tears in their eyes.

 Take away all their worries and fear,

And hold them in your arms

Because these are special ones I hold so dear.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Moving-picture-baby-winks-animated-gif for prayer poem

(Moving picture is from Friends18.com and at netanimations.net)

Animated-picture-of-letter-with-hearts from netanimations.net 1

No words can express how thankful I am to all of you;

As you are all my blessings, my dear friends

And quite frankly my anchor too!!!

Your kind words, prayers and loving support have gotten me through a lot,

For it is with them that they have lifted my spirits,

And help me dry away my tears right there on the spot.

Sometimes it is hard to keep from crying

For moments it can feel so trying

And that is because both the physical and emotional pain

Can be so difficult to deal with at times,

You have taught me though

What true friends are all about,

As you haven’t left my side

And I know you all will continue

To have my back without a doubt,

For I know you are all with me for this long ride.

Cancer faced its ugly face once before in my life

And now it seems like it may be back,

But fortunately for me loving support there is no lack.

I will beat this thing at its own game

Because let’s face it, it has taken away far too many, to even all name.

Once you have been touched by cancer,

You are never left quite the same.

As it can take a lot from you,

But it cannot take away your spirit,

At least I won’t let it have mine ;

For I do not wish to give it any more

 Of my precious and very much cherished time.

 (Moving picture at top of page is from netanimations.net)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


 (This picture is taken in early November before I had got sick.

Photography is by: Meg Foster)


picture about losing keys, cell phone, etc.

Most days start out with me walking into a room,

Only to forget why I entered there,

So I leave that room too soon.

I then shortly remember when I have actually left,

So I have to go back to get what was there that I kept.

My memory loss doesn’t stop there

As I misplace things everywhere.

Where did I put my keys today?

I thought I hung them up like the other day.

Only to find out that I left them in a pocket

Or in my jewellery box near my favourite locket per say;

My cellphone I too mislay on several occasions by the way.

This usually happens when my ringer I had shut off,

So it becomes a worry to find my phone

Before the batteries die and it will soon shut off.

This problem of forgetfulness not only happens at home

But even while shopping, so my anxiety sometimes has then grown.

It happens when I go to pay my bill,

Only to find out I can’t remember where

I put my bank card when I reach the till.

I guess I am not alone in being forgetful,

As I have had my friend lose her glasses

And they have become quite difficult to find,

For without them she is quite blind.

Sometimes they are found not too far away

Because sometimes they are left on her head

Like when she had last read,

As she did so just the other day;

It was embarrassing to her,

But quite funny to me I should say.

Remember the next time you become forgetful

You are not alone as this happens to the best of us

As our minds get preoccupied with all of what goes on today, with all the fuss.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This poem is dedicated to my dear friend, Amie Hawco,

who gave me this fun idea to write on this topic.)

(Picture is a Minion Quote’s photo)


“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times

 the same good things for the first time.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

(Music video, “I Forgot” By : Navkant Thakut is taken from YouTube.com)


 Animated-picture-of-Valentine-hearts from netanimations.net 3

I love you not only today,

But each and every single day;

It is sometimes hard for me to put into exact words

To try and actually convey;

Because you are my sunshine,

My sweet valentine

And I am so blessed to be able to call you mine.

You are one of the reasons I look forward

 To waking up each new morning

And excited about each new day;

That is because you are so special

 And important to me in every way;

I want you to remember what a great deal you are to me

And let you know since the moment I first met you

My feelings continue to blossom as others can also see

Because my love for you just continues to grow stronger

And I hope that you will always realize my

Heart not only belongs to you today

But forever and longer;

Every time I see your sweet beautiful face

I know I am in the right place,

As my heart always skips a beat

 Every chance we get to meet,

As there is no place I would rather be

But with you, embraced in your arms

For your heart holds that special key.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Animated-valentine-heart-jumping from netanimations.net 2

Animated-picture-of-letter-with-hearts from netanimations.net 1

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


Dedicated to my loving husband, Martin.

I am so blessed to be your wife.

Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart!!! ❤

Love Always,

Di ❤

(Music video, “18” is by: One Direction, taken from Youtube.com)


beautiful_landscape_waterfall from netanimations.net

When I am gone try and not to miss me too much,

As I haven’t really left your side

 Because you can always feel my touch,

For in your heart I shall always reside.

“I am the whisper in the wind,”

The sunset and the sunrise

Or the brightest shining star

That brings the twinkle to the skies.

When you are sitting there all alone

I see those tears flowing from your eyes.

Please, don’t spend all your time weeping for me

Because I am much happier now you see.

I am no longer in pain

And I am surrounded by beauty

Where there is nothing on earth like here,

 That is quite the same;

It is remarkable to say the least

And more importantly I am now at peace

For my worries in life have ceased

Being replaced by joy to fill my days,

So my happiness is now increased.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

animated_waterfall_at_night from netanimations.net

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


(This music video, “I’ll See You Again,” By :Westlife is taken from YouTube.com)

 Dancing-flower-Rose-animation from netanimations.net

When was the last time you took the time to stop

 And smell those roses?

Or to call an old dear friend?

Has your life gotten that busy

That those moments in your life have come to an end?

Life is really too short to not make that time

For the things that matter

Because our lives are so unpredictable

And to live your life with regrets

 Will only make you sadder;

Live in the moment as in today

And do not put off another day

For we are never guaranteed tomorrow

Because as all of you may know

Our lives here on earth are only on borrowed.

animated picture of a girl talking on the phone from netanimations.net

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)

beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 2beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 3

Today we weep for the loss of our loved one,

Our true dear friend;

You were a fighter, a mother, and a daughter,

But your life here was only on lend.

You fought a courageous battle

And stuck through it all until the very end;

GOD has now called you home

And now our hearts are left here to mend.

Although, we mourn the loss of you today

We rejoice in the fact that you are celebrating

Your new life in a very special way;

As the new life of yours living eternally

In heaven as just begun;

We will never forget your smile

As it was so bright as the morning sun.

We will also miss your sweet angelic face

And the reminiscences we made

As it shall continue to embrace.

Because the imprints you have left deep within our hearts

No time shall ever begin to erase;

Rest in peace my sweet dear friend,

Until we meet again

When GOD chooses for our souls to later also send

For a part of you in our hearts there will always be a loving trace

No matter what time of day,

No matter ever when

Which will always happen to be the case.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 4

beautiful scenic view taken from Alfonse Vanhooste 5

(Photography is by: Alfonse Van Hooste, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada)
