
Sometimes Death Can Take Us by Surprise

Posted on: November 1, 2014

Sometimes death can take us by surprise,

Especially when it comes to losing a loved one who so suddenly dies;

It leaves you with a pain in your heart that drastically intensifies.

This is because you were left in a state of sudden shock,

 Causing a stinging pain from the tears of the aftershock;

It’s like when a volcano erupts,

So does your lives after death because it does disrupt.

There was no preparation that this loved one would die today.

You just assumed they would be around for many more days.

It is because you were not prepared to lose this person

Because there was no warning, as they hadn’t even been sick.

This loved one was taken away far too young and so very quick.

It doesn’t seem fair that you didn’t

 Even get your chance to say your good-byes

And now you are left with so many Whys???

This is why we must not take our lives or anyone else’s for granted

 We also need to realize how truly we have all been blessed,

So we need to make every second with our loved ones count,

For are days may be limited, as we do not know our amount.

Don’t put off another moment on what you can do today

Because they may not be here tomorrow, as GOD has HIS final say.

We need to keep on the right path and never forget to pray,

So that one day we shall all meet again

 With our loved ones for an eternal stay.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

❤ Dedicated in memory of my dear cousin,

 “David Joseph Jude Carter” (“Dave”)

March 8, 1959- October 31, 2014 R.I.P. ❤

picture of my cousin David Carter who passed away

(This music video, “Save a Place For Me,” By: Matthew West,

is taken from YouTube.com)


(Image Source- “The Hunger Site’s Photo)

a pic about saying I love you

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