
Believing is Achieving

Posted on: October 28, 2014


Is there something you have wanted

 To accomplish for quite some time?

But you are finding that you don’t have the time?

Or is it because you just couldn’t get yourself motivated enough?

Or maybe you thought it was going to be way too tough?

Have you been putting off going back to school?

Or losing weight which would make

 You feel more comfortable in that public pool?

What is stopping you from achieving these goals?

It all starts in taking that first baby step, as going for a short stroll

And before you know it you are taking massive steps

And your mind is back in control.

You now have that determination you have been lacking,

So you are no longer slacking.

You can achieve whatever you set out to do

But in order to accomplish this huge feat

 You need to believe in yourself too.

Believing is achieving

And happiness it will soon bring.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


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