
Marriage is a Blessing

Posted on: October 20, 2014

pic of my husband, Martin & I

Marriage is finding that one special person, your soul mate

To spend the rest of your life with

And when you find that individual it sometimes feels like fate.

You now have a partner to share your hopes

And dreams here on through;

You have made a commitment in front of GOD and to each other too.

You made that promise through your vows to your loved one

On your wedding day to be there for one another.

There are some days though that appear

 To be much duller than brighter,

But you need to remember you made that promise

“For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness

and in health, to love and to cherish;

From this day forward until death do you part.” 

No one ever said that marriage was going to be easy,

In fact there are going to be many tough moments,

That your spouse may make you very angry;

These are the times you want to give up on that relationship

Because it appears to be the easy way out

But sometimes that happiness you have now felt

May be short-lived bringing you later some doubt.

It was because at the time you didn’t want to be bothered wasting

 Any more of your time or energy

And for a brief period of time it felt so great to finally be free.

The thing you will finally come to realize is that

Not one relationship will ever be perfect in anyway.

In fact the new person you meet

May be even more irritating to you in some ways

But because it was a new relationship you seem

 To overlook these annoyances at first,

 That is until a period of time passes and your happiness becomes reversed,

 As you soon start to get bothered by their many quirks

Because their faults will later appear more visible and no longer absent

Making this new relationship lose any of its perks;

This now makes you wish you never gave up on your marriage

 But rather stayed and made it work.

Marriage is a gift from GOD and a true blessing

But it often does take a lot of effort and work.

Sometimes it is GOD that may be missing in your relationship

 And prayer may be the key to this vital piece of groundwork.

This may be one of the most important factors

Or details to keeping this connection strong

And with it you will realize this is where your relationship

May have gone wrong.

If you take the time to pray with one another,

You are more likely to stay together,

Helping the two of you get your relationship off the ground.

Making you appreciate that marriage of yours

As a special blessing or gift in life to be found.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

❤ (Picture is of my husband, Martin & I

and the photography is by: Jocelyn Meloche) ❤

 (This music video, “The Marriage Prayer,” By: John Waller,

is taken from YouTube.com)

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