
Always Say A Prayer (A.S.A.P.)

Posted on: October 12, 2014

 pic of a little girl praying

It has been for many of us that “A.S.A.P.” as always meant,

 “As Soon As Possible,”

But one day I came across another meaning for this acronym

Which is indispensable to our lives.

“A.S.A.P.” can also mean, “Always Say a Prayer,”

Which sometimes we need to be reminded of

To show GOD that we do care;

So the next time when you wake-up, go to bed to sleep

Or sit down for a meal; just remember to keep, “A.S.A.P.”

In your mind and heart;

This will help things in your life get off to a better start.

Talk to GOD A.S.A.P!!!

HE needs to hear from each one of you

Because otherwise your struggles you go through

Will be virtually impossible to accomplish or do.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Image-source http://turnbacktogod.com

(Music video, “Always Say A Prayer” is by: Jose Ronito, off of YouTube.com)

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