
The Day You Were Put to Rest (The Day of a Funeral)

Posted on: October 10, 2014

pic of my relatives' tombstomb at Pelee Island

Today has been the day I have dreaded

 For a very long time

Because you have always been so important to me

And quite frankly, a dear friend of mine;

Today was the day we had to put you to rest.

My heart was full of sorrow

 Leaving me with such a heavy chest;

My mind was also wheeling

 With the sweet memories of you,

 Some old and some new;

Everything around me reminded me of you.

I had tried my hardest to stay strong

But that didn’t last very long,

As the tears started rolling down my face,

At a very steady pace

And they just wouldn’t stop,

No matter how hard I tried another one would drop.

I did not wish to say good-bye.

So I asked GOD silently, “Why?”

I told HIM there was still so much more

 I had wanted to say

And then I looked up at the skies and continued to pray.

The sun was shining

Like it had been smiling;

I then felt an inner peace

Like my life was given a new lease.

GOD needed another angel in heaven I suddenly realized.

That’s why HE chose you; I shouldn’t be surprised

Because you had been a perfect example

Of how others like myself should live their lives.

     Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(The picture was taken at Pelee Island at the graves of my great grandparents.)

(This music video, “Heaven Got Another Angel,” By: Gordon True is taken from YouTube.com)

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