
The View from the Window

Posted on: October 5, 2014

pic of an elderly man starring out the window2

The elderly man was saddened ever since his wife had died.

He no longer went outdoors because he became so depressed inside.

All day and night he thought of her and cried.

This went on for days and weeks,

Making his life feel so bleak;

Most days he had even refused to eat,

This had left his body feeling extra weak;

But then one day something changed,

He prayed to GOD for comfort and strength

And then peace was exchanged,

For shortly later he pulled himself over to the window

 That had its shades always drawn

And he then opened them up appearing around at his lawn;

There running upon his grass were some little chipmunks

 Gathering nuts until they were all gone;

The rays from the sun were also shining brightly

 Against the window pane;

There was also beautiful birds sitting in the trees,

Suddenly the old man no longer felt the same.

GOD had brought calmness and tranquillity to his life.

His prayers had been answered, although he still missed his wife.

The elderly man now realized there was still beauty in life

To look forward to ever since peering through his window,

It gave him a new release in life, making him now show a happier glow.

He realized then that he still had so much more to look forward to

And that he was never alone,

For he still had his friends, along with his family that had now grown;

He knew he needed to enjoy the time he had left with his loved ones,

As with every life we are all here only on loan.

The elderly man recognized that praying to GOD

 Was the answer to his pain.

Because after doing so, he was drawn to that window pane.

This had allowed him to see the beauty that was still out there to enjoy.

It also brought him back to his sweet memories he had as a little boy.

He still missed his wife, each day and night

But with continued prayer, his heavy load on his heart got light.

He knew that one day he would meet his true love once again,

It was just a matter of time and now only when.

The elderly man understood he needed

To now cherish every day as a gift.

With that though in mind, it brought him a lift.

 There was still so much more of life’s lessons to learn

And one which was praying helps remove one’s troubles and concerns.

He also recognized now that GOD still had a purpose for him

And with that acknowledgement his life no longer seemed dim.

He knew that he just needed to let GOD take the reins and now trust,

For this would allow him to feel much happier,

Even in his darkest moments when he may be feeling at his lowest.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Picture is from Dreamstime.com)

(This music video is from Youtube.com

“I’ll See You Again,” By Westlife)

2 Responses to "The View from the Window"

Very nice Di! Made me think of Song of Songs 2:11 – 12 “See! The winter has past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”. Our God is the God of restoration and new things – He is so good!

Thanks so much for quoting these beautiful verses from the bible. GOD is good!!! ❤ Love, Diane ❤

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