
Archive for October 2014


Is there something you have wanted

 To accomplish for quite some time?

But you are finding that you don’t have the time?

Or is it because you just couldn’t get yourself motivated enough?

Or maybe you thought it was going to be way too tough?

Have you been putting off going back to school?

Or losing weight which would make

 You feel more comfortable in that public pool?

What is stopping you from achieving these goals?

It all starts in taking that first baby step, as going for a short stroll

And before you know it you are taking massive steps

And your mind is back in control.

You now have that determination you have been lacking,

So you are no longer slacking.

You can achieve whatever you set out to do

But in order to accomplish this huge feat

 You need to believe in yourself too.

Believing is achieving

And happiness it will soon bring.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


Sometimes after a breakup it can be very difficult to move on because let’s face it this person you have entrusted your whole heart to has figuratively tore your heart into several pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. It feels as though these pieces can never be put back together. This pains you to no end.

If you were dating this person and they want out, it is best to let this person leave if they don’t feel the same way, especially if they don’t reciprocate your feelings. You deserve that kind of love, not one that is just plain one-sided or you will never be fully happy in life.

If you are married on the other hand, then you need to try and work things out in counselling or whatever you need to do to try and save this relationship. A great movie for someone to watch who is struggling in their marriage is the movie, “Fire Proof.” This movie has a very important message to all couples. Sometimes with all the effort it still may not turn out like you were hopefully wishing for. It hurts to let those we love leave us, especially when they have fallen for someone new, but it’s just like the saying, “If you love someone, set them free and if they come back, then it was meant to be and if they don’t you were not meant to spend your lives together.”

You cannot understand when things ever started going wrong in your relationship in the first place. The breakup becomes even more painful when you have invested not only months but years into this person. You have lived your life for so long with this person and now you have a hard time digesting that your life and precious time together is now over. You don’t know how you are going to manage to live your life without them because they have always been a huge and significant part of it. There are times you may say to yourself, “If only they still loved me and this was all just a very bad dream.” Unfortunately, this is all a part of life. Some people are faced with this pain and some are fortunate enough to avoid this type of agony entirely.

It now becomes difficult to do even everyday tasks because everything around you reminds you of this person. It may even be sometimes challenging to eat because you are feeling too depressed at times to even eat a bite. Whatever you do don’t starve yourself, try and nibble on some healthy snacks such as your favourite fruit or veggies, so you can keep up your strength. There are moments after the breakup you may find it hard to breathe at times and your stomach may be churning, feeling as though you may possibly be sick at any given moment. Don’t worry this sickening feeling shall later pass, But sometimes there are moments it may be triggered again by a song on the radio, a piece of clothing, some fragrance, or even an old photograph can bring these memories of the person flowing back to you.

Usually when this all happens you start looking at yourself in a different light. You may no longer see yourself as attractive or a smart individual. That is because part of your ego has also been hurt or taken away from you when this relationship ended. You have to remind yourself that you are amazing and if that person can’t see how amazing you truly are, well than it is their lost. You will get through this, but it is going to take some time to heal. This may not always happen right away but whatever you do don’t become too discouraged in feeling like giving up. This is the time to turn to GOD in prayer for strength, as well as turning to your friends and family for support. They are all there for you because they care about you and love you.

Sometimes people may tell you that you need to get over this. This of course is one of the last things you wish to hear making you more frustrated and angrier than you were before. This is something you definitely do not wish to hear at this time or at any given moment for that matter. Some people may not fully understand that we all handle different crises in our lives differently and that it is okay if we do. There is nothing wrong with that because we are all human. Take all the time you need. Unfortunately, sometimes friends and family don’t recognize that we all need to cope with this loss in our own private way. Your loved ones are meaning well, but the fact they have never experienced it makes it harder for them to relate in what you must be going through. They can only imagine and sometimes this gives them an inaccurate perspective or thoughts on how they think you should be handling things.

The best advice I can give you is to keep yourself busy by either hanging out with your family and friends, exercising, watching comedies like “Just for Laughs” but try and stay away from the romantic movies for now because it is just going to remind you of that loved one and make you feel that much more horrible. Also, try and stay away from filling that space or void in your life with food because if you stress eat, it is just going to add to your depression because you will just put on excess weight making you feel even worse about yourself. Another important thing to do is pray as prayer can give you the much needed strength to get through this difficult time in your life.

Also, give yourself time to get used to being alone for a while. Sometimes we need to work on ourselves so we can feel better about whom we are before starting to date another person too soon. If you enter this new relationship on the rebound, the chances are it won’t work out because you were not emotionally ready to move on quite yet.

In my past, I had fallen in love with someone, only to have my heart ripped from me. This young man had told me that he loved me and that he had never felt that way about anyone before. He even wrote a love letter to me, stating that one day he would love to marry me. I was totally crushed when he ended that relationship and even more so when I had learned that he was immediately seeing other people right away. It felt as though I had never mattered to him. I thought, “How could he do this to me, when he said that he loved me?”

I have to tell you that it took me a very, very long time to finally get through that devastation because the breakup left me feeling like I was no longer special and if he no longer cared for me, then who would? This is a normal reaction for someone who is on the same end of the breakup as I was. You start feeling sorry for yourself and sometimes it may make you feel like your life is no longer worth living. This is so far from the truth because no one is ever worth taking your own life for and I mean no one!!! You will get through this I promise you. I have to tell you though that it is not going to be easy at times but you can jump this hurdle in your life. The most important this is to never give up on yourself or you will be defeated.

It was hard at first to start dating again after this happened to me and I didn’t exactly find Mr. Right until a few years later, but the point is I eventually did. He is amazing, although he may drive me nuts at times, like I do him. I realize that this other man that I have now married was much better suited for me. My husband is such an amazing, loving husband and father to our four children. GOD has a plan for each one of us. HE knows what is better for us, as HE knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes those doors were closed for us for a reason, for something better to come into our lives.

I am not saying that you will ever truly get over that person, because sometimes those cherished memories of that love one will live on forever in your hearts.

I wanted to share with all of you how amazing the man GOD brought into my life to marry truly is. You see when him and I were dating I told him that I didn’t feel it was fair to him if we continued seeing each other because there was always going to be a small part of my heart for this other guy who broke my heart. My husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, said to me, “Diane, I would rather have part of you, than none of you at all. I love you, Diane.” Well, needless to say this young man won me over. I saw what a kind and generous heart he had and he loved me so much that he never gave up on me or us.

I know the pain I went through may not compare to what you are going through now, but I do understand how it feels to lose that person who captured your heart. It almost feels as though you are grieving for someone you lost to death. I know that sounds a little ridiculous but it does somehow feel that way in a weird way. That is because that person you fell in love with is no longer the same, like they no longer here exist; it’s as if that person had died and you’re now grieving for them and also for the loving relationship you had lost.

The point I want to make about all of this is that you can survive this pain, coming out stronger than you ever gave yourself credit for. Life throws us many unexpected curve balls that we may not always be prepared to catch, but when we trust in GOD and HIS plan for us we cannot only catch that speed-ball but we will also be able to hit a home-run with gaining happiness back into our lives.

This new found revelation may not happen right away, but with prayer and time left to heal things, we will be back to being more than just okay. A friend of mind once told me during my cancer, “Remember, to take one day at a time.” That was great advice and I am sharing it with all of you, as I feel those wise words can comply to this too.

❤ Here is a poem I wrote when I was in my teenage years because my older sister had her husband leave her. I knew she had been devastated, so I wrote this writing in hopes of brightening up her spirits. I hope it somehow brightens up your spirits too. ❤

GOD Bless!!! Diane Van Bommel


Love brings happiness,

Love brings sorrows,

It brings you up,

It brings you down;

It makes you feel like you are upside down.

 No one can explain it,

No one can change it.

It is a feeling that should be kept and not left.

If it is left do not weep,

For love will happen again and take its course on someone new.

He(she) will then keep you from feeling blue

And let you think about nothing but you two.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

❤ Note: My older sister I mentioned earlier that I wrote this poem for,

well she did find love again and I am happy to say that

she has been happily married now to this man for 25 years.

She met him after going back to school to go to college.

They have two sons together,

along with a son and daughter with her previous husband.

Her new love is an amazing husband and father to all of them,

so you see you too can find love again.

You just need to believe that you are worthy of that kind of love

and that you are special to someone out there.

You just may have not met them yet.

Take care and GOD Bless!!! ❤

(This music video, “BEST Breakup Songs!” is uploaded from YouTube.com by Trew455)

pic of my husband, Martin & I

Marriage is finding that one special person, your soul mate

To spend the rest of your life with

And when you find that individual it sometimes feels like fate.

You now have a partner to share your hopes

And dreams here on through;

You have made a commitment in front of GOD and to each other too.

You made that promise through your vows to your loved one

On your wedding day to be there for one another.

There are some days though that appear

 To be much duller than brighter,

But you need to remember you made that promise

“For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness

and in health, to love and to cherish;

From this day forward until death do you part.” 

No one ever said that marriage was going to be easy,

In fact there are going to be many tough moments,

That your spouse may make you very angry;

These are the times you want to give up on that relationship

Because it appears to be the easy way out

But sometimes that happiness you have now felt

May be short-lived bringing you later some doubt.

It was because at the time you didn’t want to be bothered wasting

 Any more of your time or energy

And for a brief period of time it felt so great to finally be free.

The thing you will finally come to realize is that

Not one relationship will ever be perfect in anyway.

In fact the new person you meet

May be even more irritating to you in some ways

But because it was a new relationship you seem

 To overlook these annoyances at first,

 That is until a period of time passes and your happiness becomes reversed,

 As you soon start to get bothered by their many quirks

Because their faults will later appear more visible and no longer absent

Making this new relationship lose any of its perks;

This now makes you wish you never gave up on your marriage

 But rather stayed and made it work.

Marriage is a gift from GOD and a true blessing

But it often does take a lot of effort and work.

Sometimes it is GOD that may be missing in your relationship

 And prayer may be the key to this vital piece of groundwork.

This may be one of the most important factors

Or details to keeping this connection strong

And with it you will realize this is where your relationship

May have gone wrong.

If you take the time to pray with one another,

You are more likely to stay together,

Helping the two of you get your relationship off the ground.

Making you appreciate that marriage of yours

As a special blessing or gift in life to be found.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

❤ (Picture is of my husband, Martin & I

and the photography is by: Jocelyn Meloche) ❤

 (This music video, “The Marriage Prayer,” By: John Waller,

is taken from YouTube.com)

There are so many different types of chocolate,

White, milk and dark;

Most of them give me such a great feeling or spark,

Like getting a home-run at the ball park;

That is because it gives me such a satisfying feeling

As some are filled with krispies, wafers, raisins, nut or cream.

The taste of chocolate is so yummy that I love it to the extreme.

There is even chocolate in drinks such as hot chocolate

Or chocolate milk and it is also a flavour of ice-cream.

I love my chocolate so much but usually it goes to my hips or butt

And not to mention my upper or lower gut;

Although I know it has this down fall.

I have a hard time avoiding its enticing call.

That is because it satisfies my sweetest cravings,

 As I find chocolate is so appealing that it melts right in my mouth.

I can just taste it now.


You really need to keep that

Chocolate away from me somehow;

There is also another downfall as it sometimes seems that

 The chocolate may occasionally melt

On my pants or even on my hands;

It always appears to create stains wherever it lands.

There is so much chocolate out there, as there is such a demand.

What is your favourite chocolate bar or brand?

Is it “Mr.Big,” “O Henry”, “Caramilk,” “3 Musketeers,”or “ Skor?”

Whatever it is it I bet you keep wanting more.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

a pic of choc no-bake cookies


By: Aprille Marshall-Carter
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil, the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk.

Let boil for 1 minute then add peanut butter, vanilla and oatmeal.

On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture

by the teaspoonfuls, until cooled and hardened.

❤ (For more of her delicious recipes visit  www.facebook.com/aprille.marshallcarter) ❤

picture of Tina Pumfrey - Musical Artist

“GOD doesn’t want us just to survive.”

“HE wants us to thrive.”

This will make us feel much more happier to be alive.

GOD has given each one of us gifts to succeed.

But sometimes we ignore these gifts truly indeed.

These special gifts have been with us from the very start

But sometimes we overlook these gifts

Or talents not realizing in our lives that they can be an essential part;

Sometimes they are carried with us unknowingly in our heart.

We all have something we are especially good at;

But sometimes we live our lives with doubts

Not realizing what our gift is all about.

We need to pray to GOD to give us guidance

So these gifts of ours don’t go to any waste,

To do so will bring you a much happier future to now embrace.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture at the top of the page is of muscial artist, Tina Pumfrey.)

Here is a direct link to her site. http://www.tinapumfrey.com

(Inspiration for this poem comes from, “Thrive”

from “Casting Crowns.”)

(This music video, “Thrive” is by:Casting Crowns,

taken off of YouTube.com)

Life throws us many challenges.
We may feel we are not able to face
As the saying goes “GOD does not give us
More than we can handle”

But to us this never feels like the case.

 We need to realize that HIS love is there for us always to embrace.

Sometimes it is in these challenges
We may have to test our faith
Making us stronger believers;

Sometimes GOD reaches out to help us

As HE is our healer;
HE sometimes does this by sending someone

Into our lives that we are to meet;
It could be anywhere, a grocery store, a hospital, library, restaurant,

A church, or even at a team meet.

It could even be someone who quite possibly sits next to you on the bus seat.

These people will be there for us
during the good times and most likely during the worst of times.
GOD always assures us that HE will be there for us always

And this is one way HE fulfills that promise.

Many people think it is a coincidence
That these individuals came into our lives,
With GOD there are no coincidences, but as someone
Once told me they are all “GOD’S incidences.”

GOD has HIS own plan

For every girl, boy, woman and man;

HE has HIS perfect timing for everything,

Just think of what your life has brought or will bring.
If you take the time and really think
About all that has happened in your life than

You will see this connection or link.
This will help you come to soon realize
that this certainly is all true.
It wasn’t just a coincidence
But, part of GOD’S Great Plan for me and you.

These people were brought into your life
for a reason and purpose from GOD
As your Special Gift from HIM,
To help you get through life’s challenges

When everything appeared rather dim;

 GOD is always there just as HE has also promised to be there for you,

But we need to do our part by living our lives with more virtue.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Second version copy- October 14, 2014

(Original copy was written October 28, 2009)

( ❤ This music video, “I will Shelter You,” is by my talented cousin, Tina Pumfrey. It was taken fromYouTube.com ❤

You can visit her site at http://www.tinapumfrey.com


 pic of a little girl praying

It has been for many of us that “A.S.A.P.” as always meant,

 “As Soon As Possible,”

But one day I came across another meaning for this acronym

Which is indispensable to our lives.

“A.S.A.P.” can also mean, “Always Say a Prayer,”

Which sometimes we need to be reminded of

To show GOD that we do care;

So the next time when you wake-up, go to bed to sleep

Or sit down for a meal; just remember to keep, “A.S.A.P.”

In your mind and heart;

This will help things in your life get off to a better start.

Talk to GOD A.S.A.P!!!

HE needs to hear from each one of you

Because otherwise your struggles you go through

Will be virtually impossible to accomplish or do.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Image-source http://turnbacktogod.com

(Music video, “Always Say A Prayer” is by: Jose Ronito, off of YouTube.com)

 pic of beautiful scenery by Terry Archibald1

If we have no faith then what is there to look forward to?

If this is missing, just think how much each struggle we go through,

 Would be that much harder to accomplish or do;

Because you see “Faith brings hope,”

Making it easier for one to cope;

Faith is also known to bring us light

And takes us out of the darkness, that evil fight;

Faith can help to remind us there is life after death

For the faithful to look forward to,

So we can meet again with our beloved ones

In heaven where our lives will renew;

You need to also remember no matter

 How bad things in life seem to get,

Having faith will help give you the strength

To face any struggle that appears to be a threat.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography is by: Terry Archibald of Milton, Ontario, Canada)

(The Music video, “What Faith Can Do,” By: Kutless, taken off of YouTube.com)

Photographer: Terry Archibald

pic of beautiful scenery by Terry Archibald2

 autumn trees by Alfonse Van Hooste

The meaning of Thanksgiving is “the expression of gratitude,

 Especially to God”, who is our creator;

And our keeper;

HE gave us so many gifts in our life to be thankful for,

But most of the time we keep wanting even more.

We are never satisfied with what we have until it is gone.

This doesn’t seem right, but rather wrong.

We need to start to appreciate the gift of our lives that GOD did create,

So we need to talk to GOD in prayer as to communicate.

We need to also thank HIM for our family and friends.

Our teachers and preachers

And Facebook friends;

How about the roof over our heads

And being able to sleep on our soft comfy beds?

We are also so blessed to have the farmers

Who help put meals on our tables so we can all be fed.

We have so much to be thankful in our daily lives,

But sometimes we get too busy to even realize.

We start to forget what matters most

Because of the modern technology to which we have become engrossed;

We need to put away our cell phones and electronic games

Even if it just for one day at most,

Because we don’t know how much longer that our lives here will remain;

And if something happens tomorrow you only have yourself to blame.

Let’s choose to live our lives with no regrets,

 So let’s put away these devices every meal time which is even better yet,

For these electronics take away from our valuable time with our loved ones;

It is because now instead of talking with each other at the supper table,

We are texting or playing video games instead,

Thus making ourselves emotionally unavailable.

 These technologies when they were first invented seemed great

But it is now how our lives choose to dictate.

If we decide to continue to let these devices run our lives

Then family time will never be the same

 Because most families now a days don’t even play board games;

We shouldn’t have to wait for a storm to knock the hydro out

So we have a burnout for this to actually come about.

What’s wrong with making this time now, as in today?

We also need to give thanks to GOD not just on “Thanksgiving Day”

But rather each and every day

Because we are truly blessed continually is so many ways.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

.(Photograph at the top of the page is By: alfonsevphotography.com)

A special thanks to Todd Vaters, the singing artist,

for allowing me to share

his beautiful gifts and talents with all of us.

Feel free to share his music on your fb.
Todd’s work is truly an inspiration to others.

Here is Todd’s site; http://www.ToddVaters.com

pic of Todd Vaters

 pic taken by Alphonse Van Hooste2pic taken from Alphonse Van Hooste of the deep blue skies

If you look around everywhere you will see

 Bright colours of many shades

 And the view is all free.

There are beautiful looking birds in the springtime

  That sing their sweet songs,

Waking us up in the morning before it is dawn.

There are also leaves of many colours on all the autumn trees,

Including radiant colours in the rainbow

After the rain does cease;

Have you ever sat still on a warm windy day

 To enjoy that refreshing feeling

Which comes from the summer breeze?

GOD made many of these extraordinary things to appease.

We are all apart of GOD’s creative masterpiece,

Every race, every gender is HIS own exceptional timepiece.

This is because each one of us is identifiable part

Of HIS creation that are here but only on lease;

There is an important factor to this equation

And that is all men, women and children

Are created equal and should be treated like

 An extraordinary centrepiece;

Rather than being ignored like having a plague from a disease;

The thing is we all come in different

Colours of skin, hair colour and eyes,

Not one of us is more special than the other in GOD’s eyes.

This should come as no surprise

 Because GOD made each one

  In HIS own image that HE continues to glorify;

This is because we are all apart of GOD’s great masterpieces,

Including everything found on the land, water

 And up in the deep blue clouded skies.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of autumn trees by Alfonse Van Hooste

pic taken by Alphonse Van Hooste1pic of sunflowers by Alphonse Van Hooste

( <3Dedicated to my dear, old friend, Don Myers who has inspired me to do this writing;

You have been such a wonderful and dear friend that I am so blessed to have you in my life. <3)

(The photography is by: Alfonse Van Hooste. You can visit his site at: http://www.alfonsevphotography.com)

(This music video, “God’s Colouring Book is By: Dolly Parton and is taken from YouTube.com)
