
Change Begins With You

Posted on: September 20, 2014

 Young Woman Biting Her Finger Nail

Are you feeling unhappy with

How your life has turned out?

Is it because of how you lived your prior years

That you now live with doubt?

Are you regretting things

You may have done in your past?

They may have been fun to do at the time,

But the excitement did not last.

It has now made you realize that person who you were then

Is someone you no longer wish to be

Or for others much less now to even see.

The best thing you can do to accomplish this feat

Is to only look back at your past

For the lessons that were taught

And move forward now with all the learning

That these teachings have brought.

If not, your happiness in life you will now cheat

Leaving you feeling only saddened or rather beat.

You can choose to be that better person,

But the only person who has the ability to make that

Positive change is you.

The fact that you are still here living and breathing

Means you still have that time to make that change.

 GOD has an important purpose for each one of us,

HE is just asking for your faith in exchange.

So go out there and make that difference

By taking those steps you need now to take.

This will leave you feeling happier

In life, than your past has ever been able to make.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is from Office. com)

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