
Archive for September 2014

pic of my parents on ferry to Pelee Island

Do you remember how it felt to fall in love?

That person who captured your heart,

You were always thinking of.

There was also the feeling of butterflies in your stomach

Because you were suddenly so heart struck

That these feelings had always stuck

And you were so excited to see them each day with any luck.

That is because they would cause your heart to race

Every time you would meet.

Sometimes it made you lose your appetite

Because you were just too excited to even eat.

This person made you feel

As though your life was now more complete.

You didn’t even care how the other person’s hair looked

Or even how they dressed

Because there was such inner beauty that they had possessed.

There are times though that these feelings may fade away

And some instead of working on their relationships,

They choose to just throw them all away.

This makes some people afraid to fall in love

Because of the fear that this love will not stay

And for some this is too risky for them to have to pay.

Sometimes we need to take those risks

Even though our hearts could get broken someday;

For if we choose to just sit back

We will be forever and sadly alone

And our hearts will never be able to mend

Because our loneliness would have just grown;

Love is worth taking the risk

Because the feelings shared

Are worth all the joys,

And happiness that is produced

As it gives your life a sudden great big boost;

There is nothing in life that can be ever compared

Because it is just great knowing

That someone out there truly does care.

When you finally do find that kind of love,

Hang on to it

Because true love such as this

Is a treasure to be cherished, as it can be especially rare.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of Irene & Harry Wyma for their 50th Wedding Anniversary

(The picture at the top of the page is of Margaret & Jim Carter, my loving parents]

who will be married 55 years on October 3, 2014)

(The picture at the bottom of the pages is of my dear friends, Irene & Harry Wyma who will be celebrating 50 years of marriage on the same day, October 3, 2014) 

Happy Anniversary and may you have many more happy years to celebrate!!! I love you all!!! ❤


 pic of two kittens

When your time has come for GOD to take you home,

How do you want to be remembered?

Do you want others to think of you as someone who was constantly angry

And could not ever forgive?

Or would you rather have them remember you

As having a huge heart that would always give?

Isn’t this a better way than to choose to live?

We all want to leave a positive impact in this world

Where not only our footprints are left behind

But our imprints are left in other people’s hearts and minds.

Footprints in the sand can be erased or disappear

By a sudden wave coming to shore

 Making them no longer visible to appear any more.

But the imprints we leave in one’s heart shall be held dear,

Leaving cherished memories of us

To last forever and sometimes we may see them through a tear.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are from Office.com and from Forgive and Live) )

pic of two dogs with heartspic of forgive and live

 Young Woman Biting Her Finger Nail

Are you feeling unhappy with

How your life has turned out?

Is it because of how you lived your prior years

That you now live with doubt?

Are you regretting things

You may have done in your past?

They may have been fun to do at the time,

But the excitement did not last.

It has now made you realize that person who you were then

Is someone you no longer wish to be

Or for others much less now to even see.

The best thing you can do to accomplish this feat

Is to only look back at your past

For the lessons that were taught

And move forward now with all the learning

That these teachings have brought.

If not, your happiness in life you will now cheat

Leaving you feeling only saddened or rather beat.

You can choose to be that better person,

But the only person who has the ability to make that

Positive change is you.

The fact that you are still here living and breathing

Means you still have that time to make that change.

 GOD has an important purpose for each one of us,

HE is just asking for your faith in exchange.

So go out there and make that difference

By taking those steps you need now to take.

This will leave you feeling happier

In life, than your past has ever been able to make.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is from Office. com)

pic of girl sad talking on the phone

All year you have been dreaming or thinking

Of going off to college or university;

So you can get that degree

And finally be able to have that job of your dreams.

But you have been having butterflies

In your stomach for a while it seems.

You have had a lot of worries such as the financial burdens,

Causing you to have to save nearly every dime.

There is also a bit of mixture of plain excitement bottled in

There too, for quite some time,

Because there is so much anticipation for the freedom

You will now get,

Along with all the new friends you will have met.

 There is so much that university life entails,

That sometimes in the midst of things

You may forget some important details,

Such as your tuition being due,

As well as any other fine particulars too.

Before long the moving day is drawing near

And then before you know it, that day is finally here.

You start to pack and become overwhelmed

 To start the new school year

And in the process you start to shed a tear.

When you finally do arrive to your new residence,

You are so nervous but at the same time so thrilled

To start this new adventure of yours;

And begin with those school tours,

As well as wait for the orientation to begin.

You also can’t wait to meet this new roommate of yours

 And hope it is not one that you wish to trade in.

You then unpack and settle in

While you visit with your mom, dad

And your siblings too;

But before you know

You need a tissue,

 For it’s time for them to leave

And suddenly you seem to grieve;

You thought you were at first fine,

But then suddenly that changed when your parents said,

 It was now time.

You then watched as you saw them walk away,

Then tears seemed to well up in your eyes

 Because you wished that they could all stay

But this tearful moment you could no longer delay.

The first night will be the toughest to get through,

Some might say.

It is hard getting use to another residence

When all your family is now in your absence

And the only place you have ever

Had some assurance, is your life back home.

You now despite your new roommates and friends,

 Feel rather saddened and very much alone.

Sometimes this fear does not last long

 But then for some it may have virtually grown.

When it is time to finally go to bed,

You need to close your eyes now and lay down your head.

Now try and think about all the happy times,

With family and friends

Such as your trips to Walt Disney World

 And the days spent on the beach at Grand Bend;

Before you know it you will have drifted off to sleep;

Hopefully having a beautiful dream that runs deep;

Then when you wake up, try and keep yourself busy

 With activities and friends

Or your spirits will just descend.

It will not always be this hard to adjust,

Try giving it a week or two, you must

Because before you know it you’ll be having so much fun,

As your worries shall lesson some,

While you make it through this transition;

Making you no longer wanting to run,

For you will no longer feel so broken

As a new type of happiness has now begun.

 You know if you still have those weak moments

You can always, text or write,

 Make a phone call or even skype

And before you know it

There will be no more tears to wipe.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Dedicated to my dear beautiful daughter, Larissa)

I love you to infinity and beyond. May you have beautiful

and lasting memories created while you are away at University

And be less homesick.           Love Always, Mom ❤

 (Picture is from Office.com)

Don't Give Up!

pic of an inspirational saying for my cancer blog

Life is all about surviving
The pains, the losses and even one’s disease;
There are going to be many struggles in one’s lifetime such as these,
But GOD will be there to help guide us through them over

And over again with ease.
It is in these troubled times that we may feel weak,
As if  we no longer can go on,

But it is GOD we need to reach out to then and seek.
It is our faith that will help see us through
Even when we don’t think we have the strength to manage it to.
Don’t be a quitter.

You have in it you to be braver.

For GOD will give you the strength, so you will not waiver;

There is a reason and purpose for every one’s life

And that is why you are still here.

So don’t let fear be able to interfere.

Give your…

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