
A New Chapter in Life Begins…. (My daughter heading off to University)

Posted on: August 31, 2014

baby pic of Larissapic of Larissa's stuffed toy2, Tracker10169283_10152690768718142_6900899707980845252_n(1)

I can still remember when you were born over 19 years ago.

You captured my heart from the very get go.

You were so tiny, delicate and so full of hair.

Your skin was so soft and also so fair.

You didn’t seem to stay little for too long though,

This really didn’t seem fair;

As you were off to starting school,

With your stuffed dog in hand, “Tracker,”

 Who you always had kept in your care

And the two of you had made quite the pair,

For he ended up being even in your school pictures,

 As he was continuously there;

Before long you were graduating from elementary school

And soon off to high school

Where you graduated from there too;

My, how those years really flew.

Where did those years go?

I wish it wasn’t so,

But those years did speed by pretty fast.

I wish they had gone even more slowly and would have last.

But the fact it’s true, that you are all grown up now at last.

You will be starting a new chapter in your life

By leaving for University Tomorrow;

Your dad and I couldn’t be more happy and proud of you,

 But at the same time we are so filled with sorrow.

Although, you have grown into such a remarkable young lady,

You will still be like the saying in the book you loved

So much as a little child, my sweet little baby,

“I will love you forever; I’ll like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you’ll be.”

That is because you will always remain so special

 And dear to your dad and me;

All though we will be miles apart

Remember you will always be so close to our heart.

We will only be a phone call away,

So you can talk to us if you want to at the end of your day.

You will experience many new things,

 Meet many new friends and receive many new blessings.

I will continue to pray for you my sweet little girl

Each and every day;

This is not good-bye forever

But until we see each other again

With your two little sisters and brother;

Try and not be too homesick for long

Because we will always be with you

In your heart, where in ours you will always belong,

So stay strong,

And before you know it those

Years will also have gone rather quick

And you will be happy with the young man of your dreams

That GOD will eventually hand pick.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 picture of my daughter, LarissaLarissa's First Day a University2Larissa's First Day at University

(Picture of my daughter, Larissa settling into her new dorm room at her residence at the University.

and at the top of the page is Ris’baby  picture of her

and just below it is a photo of Larissa and that

favourite stuffed toy, “Tracker,” who she brought to kindergarten with her.)

(“Love You Forever,” By Robert Munsch. To view this video book click on the direct link above. Enjoy!!!)

4 Responses to "A New Chapter in Life Begins…. (My daughter heading off to University)"

Beautiful writing once again Diane!! Pretty sure lots of tears were shed while you were writing this and while Larissa read it!! Best wishes to her on this new chapter in her book of life!! She’s a lucky girl to have such an amazing family!

Thanks so much!!! I felt sad when writing this because my eldest is moving out, but we have had no tears yet. I expect they will come later on today when we have to leave her at the residence. We will most likely be crying in the coming weeks too, that is for sure.

Diane ❤

tears….so very true…..I miss all my “babies” too.

Aunt Rose Ann,
It sure is a hard transition to make that is for sure. We just dropped Larissa off and already she is missed. It will take some getting used to that is for sure. She did very well, there was no tears yet from her, but I can’t say the same about her mom. 😉 Love,
Diane ❤

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