
You Are Needed

Posted on: August 13, 2014

pic of Robin Williams with help line

When someone is affected with depression,

It makes them feel relatively lonely

And like their life doesn’t matter at all.

Their troubles or worries for them seem so big,

Rather than just small;

Sometimes it makes them also want to stay all day in bed

Because their life to them they have now begun to dread.

That is because all kinds of negative thoughts

Are now going on through their mind

 This doesn’t only happen occasionally but most of the time;

This is what happens to the mind because this disease will feed,

Planting nothing ever positive but only negative seed;

It makes you see or feel the worst of things

And blinds you from those who care,

Making you feel as though the love you wanted is never there.

But this is so further from the truth causing you just despair.

You are very important and this life of yours

Won’t always feel like this nightmare.

So don’t give up on anything, including you.

Despite what you may think, you do matter

And you are needed here too.

For the world would be lost without your presence

And the joy you have added to everyone you knew.

You have a lot to offer those around, including you

Because no one can ever replace you

As we are all one of a kind

Because that is how GOD made us

For we are all special to HIM and such a rare find;

Don’t allow those negative images

Or thoughts to cloud the judgement in your mind

Instead pray for help to rid you of those feelings,

So they don’t cost you any more valued time

Or worse costing you your life leaving those you love saddened

And very much in pain;

This is not fair as there is no joy left here to be gained.

Today may not be a great day,

And tomorrow may be just as grey

But there are always brighter days ahead

Pushing those negative thoughts away;

We just need to be patient instead

For our miracles of happiness

Are coming along on its way

But sometimes we give up too soon

And it’s our loved ones that are left now to pay.

Don’t give up

Because you are loved

And your are needed

So don’t be left feeling defeated.

Your life just needs a little tune-up that’s all

Prayer can go a long way on this trip when you fall.

It will help your mind to heal which is the key to happiness and

Life’s most important tip,

So if you wish to have happiness back in your lives

Rather than having your joy in life slip,

Refuse to give up on life because it is worth every bit.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Dedicated in memory of Robin Williams July 21, 1951- August 11, 2014

You were an amazing actor who touched the lives of many people around the world, including me. You always managed to make me laugh, I thank you for that. Robin, you will be sadly missed.)

(Picture a top of page is of Robin Williams)

pic from Faith Tap for ,You Are Needed (poem)

 (This photo is taken from Faith Tap)

4 Responses to "You Are Needed"

Crying Diane! You totally described the way my mind now works. It is very hard to control. I hate it. I want to be normal and happy. Another beautiful writing. Thank you. Love, Barb ❤

I am so glad this writing was able to reach out to you. Depression does not take any favourites. It affects every race, every class and people of all ages. It is a struggle that is sometimes very difficult to get through but with time and prayer it will get easier. The most important thing to remember is to never give up because life is truly a gift to not to be taken for granted. There is help out there in doctors, friends and writings and most importantly prayer. GOD BLESS!!!!

Love, Diane ❤

Wow Diane! Just wow! Sounds like you have read my every thought! This is exactly how I have been feeling and how I feel quite often (almost daily, actually) I’ve really had a tough time with this Robin Williams thing. It kind of sent me on a bit of a downward spiral. I’m hanging on though and fighting my way through it. Thanks for the positive words. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you and your writings are amazing and once again I’ve been touched.

Thank you, so much!!! I am deeply touched by all your kind words. You really made my day. GOD BLESS!!!!

Love, Diane ❤ xoxo

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