
Archive for August 2014

baby pic of Larissapic of Larissa's stuffed toy2, Tracker10169283_10152690768718142_6900899707980845252_n(1)

I can still remember when you were born over 19 years ago.

You captured my heart from the very get go.

You were so tiny, delicate and so full of hair.

Your skin was so soft and also so fair.

You didn’t seem to stay little for too long though,

This really didn’t seem fair;

As you were off to starting school,

With your stuffed dog in hand, “Tracker,”

 Who you always had kept in your care

And the two of you had made quite the pair,

For he ended up being even in your school pictures,

 As he was continuously there;

Before long you were graduating from elementary school

And soon off to high school

Where you graduated from there too;

My, how those years really flew.

Where did those years go?

I wish it wasn’t so,

But those years did speed by pretty fast.

I wish they had gone even more slowly and would have last.

But the fact it’s true, that you are all grown up now at last.

You will be starting a new chapter in your life

By leaving for University Tomorrow;

Your dad and I couldn’t be more happy and proud of you,

 But at the same time we are so filled with sorrow.

Although, you have grown into such a remarkable young lady,

You will still be like the saying in the book you loved

So much as a little child, my sweet little baby,

“I will love you forever; I’ll like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you’ll be.”

That is because you will always remain so special

 And dear to your dad and me;

All though we will be miles apart

Remember you will always be so close to our heart.

We will only be a phone call away,

So you can talk to us if you want to at the end of your day.

You will experience many new things,

 Meet many new friends and receive many new blessings.

I will continue to pray for you my sweet little girl

Each and every day;

This is not good-bye forever

But until we see each other again

With your two little sisters and brother;

Try and not be too homesick for long

Because we will always be with you

In your heart, where in ours you will always belong,

So stay strong,

And before you know it those

Years will also have gone rather quick

And you will be happy with the young man of your dreams

That GOD will eventually hand pick.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 picture of my daughter, LarissaLarissa's First Day a University2Larissa's First Day at University

(Picture of my daughter, Larissa settling into her new dorm room at her residence at the University.

and at the top of the page is Ris’baby  picture of her

and just below it is a photo of Larissa and that

favourite stuffed toy, “Tracker,” who she brought to kindergarten with her.)

(“Love You Forever,” By Robert Munsch. To view this video book click on the direct link above. Enjoy!!!)


It has not only been days, but years since you went away

And my heart still aches for you each and every day.

I wish you were here with me today,

As I would pick you a beautiful, colourful bouquet

And tell you just how much I love you

With a lasting embrace to lovingly convey;

I then would want to try and beg you to stay

But I know this is not possible in any way.

Because I know you are back home with GOD

Where you need now to be

And eventually our love will find our way back

 For one another to see,

But I do hope this time apart will go by rather quickly,

For it already seems like an eternity.

The time though when we shall meet again

Will no longer have to be just briefly,

As GOD promises us an everlasting lifetime

For you and me,

If we live our lives faithfully,

Rather than one, that is just lived so carelessly.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Field of Pink Wild Flowers

(This pic is from Office.com)

 (Top photo is from 123RF.com)


pic to go with the poem of what is holding you back

Do you think that dream of yours can never be a reality?

Is it because you think something is holding you back

From what you can see?

Are you afraid to go out and meet new friends?

For fear that you are too timid to actually achieve?

Did you ever think that maybe you are the one

That is holding yourself back because your mind

 Will not allow yourself to feel free?

You can do or achieve whatever you set out to do,

 If you truly believe;

You just have to have the right mind set

And don’t let your doubts keep you from regret.

Those who permit themselves to give up

On whatever matters the most,

Will end up being in a pity-party,

As sadness in life they have now engrossed.

So go out there and go back to school,

Even though others may ridicule;

You could also try making a new friend

For happiness in life it will then extend.

Have you ever actually tried to obtain that dream of yours?

Or did you choose to give up due to many closing doors?

Don’t accept defeat,

Instead go out there and be elite.

Because if you don’t give it your best, that happiness

You may have had in life it could eventually rob;

Quite possibly keeping you from that amazing dream job;

For you see, the thing to remember in life is believing is achieving

As those who go out there and give it all they got

Have a better chance of succeeding in life

Because they didn’t allow themselves to ever give up

Even though some setbacks may have wanted them to just letup;

You need to tell yourself you can do it

Rather than just choosing to quit.

 You need to believe you can conquer those doubts in your mind

Because you need to never undermined

What you are capable of achieving

As there are many blessings

Some of which you may never know when you will receive,

For sometimes it is how in life we do perceive,

From allowing that dream of ours

To be a reality we can actually go out and achieve.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is from Anthem Lights)

pic of me with my 3 sisters

Sisters are born into your life from the get go.

They are your playmate,

 Your very first friend you have come to know;

Many friends will come into your life

And leave just as quickly as they did show

But your sister is connected to you forever

As a bonded friendship that continues to grow.

Some people may never have a sister

But a very good friend who is like one to them

Because they are just as special like a rare, precious gem;

I am so blessed to not have only one sister in my family

But three to which I care for all deeply.

If you have a sister that is not as close

Try to mend that relationship

Before that opportunity in life goes

Because we just never know

What our future will hold,

Or how one’s life could unfold,

For we may be here today and gone tomorrow

Leaving your heart somewhat hollow

Because there was something missing

In what you forgot to say or do

Making it hard for any happiness in life to now follow

Since sadness took over you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is of me with my 3 sisters, Joanne (Jo), Carol Ann (Carol) and my little sister, Maryann (Marigold)

(Photo is taken by: George Wolf- December 2012)

pic of Robin Williams with help line

When someone is affected with depression,

It makes them feel relatively lonely

And like their life doesn’t matter at all.

Their troubles or worries for them seem so big,

Rather than just small;

Sometimes it makes them also want to stay all day in bed

Because their life to them they have now begun to dread.

That is because all kinds of negative thoughts

Are now going on through their mind

 This doesn’t only happen occasionally but most of the time;

This is what happens to the mind because this disease will feed,

Planting nothing ever positive but only negative seed;

It makes you see or feel the worst of things

And blinds you from those who care,

Making you feel as though the love you wanted is never there.

But this is so further from the truth causing you just despair.

You are very important and this life of yours

Won’t always feel like this nightmare.

So don’t give up on anything, including you.

Despite what you may think, you do matter

And you are needed here too.

For the world would be lost without your presence

And the joy you have added to everyone you knew.

You have a lot to offer those around, including you

Because no one can ever replace you

As we are all one of a kind

Because that is how GOD made us

For we are all special to HIM and such a rare find;

Don’t allow those negative images

Or thoughts to cloud the judgement in your mind

Instead pray for help to rid you of those feelings,

So they don’t cost you any more valued time

Or worse costing you your life leaving those you love saddened

And very much in pain;

This is not fair as there is no joy left here to be gained.

Today may not be a great day,

And tomorrow may be just as grey

But there are always brighter days ahead

Pushing those negative thoughts away;

We just need to be patient instead

For our miracles of happiness

Are coming along on its way

But sometimes we give up too soon

And it’s our loved ones that are left now to pay.

Don’t give up

Because you are loved

And your are needed

So don’t be left feeling defeated.

Your life just needs a little tune-up that’s all

Prayer can go a long way on this trip when you fall.

It will help your mind to heal which is the key to happiness and

Life’s most important tip,

So if you wish to have happiness back in your lives

Rather than having your joy in life slip,

Refuse to give up on life because it is worth every bit.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Dedicated in memory of Robin Williams July 21, 1951- August 11, 2014

You were an amazing actor who touched the lives of many people around the world, including me. You always managed to make me laugh, I thank you for that. Robin, you will be sadly missed.)

(Picture a top of page is of Robin Williams)

pic from Faith Tap for ,You Are Needed (poem)

 (This photo is taken from Faith Tap)

pic of my family for my blog

Margaret and Jim Carter are my parents.

They are both the eldest of seven children

So for love there was no absence.

 They went on to have seven kids of their own

 So there was never a dull moment in our home.

 They have been awesome parents

Who gave us all much guidance;

And they have been there for us always,

 As they have always gone the distance;

I couldn’t have asked for better parents as they showed us each love

And they taught us about GOD too.

Our family was so big it was like having our own crew.

It felt as though that we were like the tv show family,

“The Waltons” as we too love each other so dearly.

I have six siblings, 3 sisters and 3 brothers in all.

It was great to grow up in a big family as life was never dull.

The first born in our family is my brother Jim, named after my dad.

He is the photographer in the family who is very artistic

And can make anything he envisions.

The next is my sister Joanne. She has always been one of the nurturers

And also one of the brainy ones.

My brother Alan, is the third born and he is Mr. Fix it,

Who is great at a lot of things including wiring and plumbing.

After Al, came along my brother John.

He is a lot like him, as he too is a Mr. Fix it and just as charming.

He also has such a loving, caring spirit

As one year when I had no one for Valentine’s Day

He bought me a card and a chocolate bar,

So I would feel loved and that goes to show

Just how great my siblings truly are.

The fifth born, is my sister Carol Ann, who we call “Carol.”

She and I share the same birthday just 5 years apart,

In the middle of the month of April.

 She is a Personal Support Worker who works in a nursing home

And many moments you will also find in her hand with a scissors or comb,

As she is also an amazing hairstylist in her free time;

This profession she has had for a very long time.

 She like my other siblings has such a generous and caring heart

And to me they all get the gold medal for being total sweethearts.

I am then the next in line

And followed by me, comes my little sister, Maryann, who I like to call “Marigold” some of the time.

She is the last of us seven kids that filled up our household.

She along with my other siblings is also one of my dear friends

That mean more to me than gold.

Maryann, is one of the outgoing ones,

Who can make most people laugh

And she too like the others also

Manages to look great in every single photograph;

That is because she is very photogenic like my other siblings.

My family is such a gift and one of my many thanksgivings.

I am so blessed to have each of these siblings and be a part of such a great family as, “The Carter’s,”

I always look forward when we all can all get together once again,

At our family gatherings.

We may not have always been able to see eye to eye

And sometimes we may have made one another cry.

But the love we share

Helps us to overcome our differences

And that is because our parents brought us up with GOD and prayer.

They are what have kept us together like glue,

And they are the strong foundation in our family too.

I just feel so happy and blessed that this was the family,

I was actually fortunate enough to be born into.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


 (Dedicated to my mom, dad and my siblings, Jim. Joanne, Alan (“Al”), John, Carol Ann (“Carol”)

and my baby sister, Maryann,

I love you guys so much and I am so blessed

to have you as a part of my life

and more importantly to be a part of such a loving family.)

(Family Picture is taken by: George Wolf)

pic of my childhood home

(Picture of my childhood home taken by:Steve Hubley)

    pic of Terry Archibald for blog (blue waters and blue sky)

Tomorrow is never promised so why put off what you can do today?

Make that call to your friend or family member and do so right away.

If there is someone you need to say “sorry” to

 Or possibly need to forgive, don’t push them further away.

Life is a gift most of us seem to take for granted,

As sometimes we don’t realize how truly we have been blessed.

 Don’t let it be too late, for one day we may not be here

To spend time with those we love,

Because our loved ones could be later

 Called home from GOD up above;

Savour each moment, and cherish every minute

Make wonderful memories while your time here still lasts.

Since our Lives are gifts that are here on lease so

 Make the most of your time, as to allow the great times to outlast.

Those who choose to put off things,

Including spending time with those they care about;

End up living the remainder of their lives in pain,

Sorrow and with deep regret.

But you have the power to change and prevent this same kind of

Outcome because you are still here as of yet;

Live your lives like there is no tomorrow.

Live each day as a cherished gift

Because this joy you will find brings many an uplift.

So go out there and live each moment

Not just looking through an open window

But getting out there and participating in life,

And enjoying every single rainbow,

Rather than just sitting back watching your lives fly rapidly by.

Enjoy everything life has to offer,

Including the beauty that lies all around us,

Such as the deep blue waters and the beautiful powder blue sky;

All of this brings true happiness in life

And it is something money just can’t buy.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

      pic taken by Terry Archibald 3      pic taken by Terry Archibald 2

(Photography is by: Terry Archibald, Milton, Ontario, Canada)

(Photo at the top of the page is of  the photographer, Terry Archibald)
