
Archive for July 2014



How do you feel about thunderstorms?

Do they frighten you?

Or do you find them calming to watch?

That you take the time in keeping track

Of the thunder claps on your stopwatch;

As a little girl my family and I would sit on the front porch

And watch as the storms would hit,

Soon the sky from the lightning would be well lit.

My siblings would count the seconds

Between when the lightning would strike.

This was the part of the storms that they really did like.

Thinking this would help determine

Just how far the lightning was actually away.

We often wondered just how long the storms might stay.

The wind would then usually pick up spraying us

With rain blowing our way.

I found it beautiful to watch nature

As we all stopped what we were doing just to observe.

We would talk and laugh with one another.

It was so great to have this alone time together.

I think it is because I did this as child

That most storms don’t seem to bother me much.

They probably would if I was all alone as such.

I remember someone saying “just pretend that your loved ones

Are bowling up in heaven

And that when you hear thunder from the lightning strike,

 It is them getting a strike up in heaven.”

pic of bowling pins for blog

That is a good way to think of it if you are someone

That is absolutely terrified of them

As you have always been since you can remember way back when.

Maybe if you try putting your mind to a different

 Perspective of the storm,

The storm won’t seem so scary.

And you may even feel more bravely,

Surprising yourself as when a storm now hits

You react more calmly.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Pictures are taken from Office.com)

cottage at Burk's Falls

Long walks along the beach

And now nature is within reach.

Unfortunately, so are the mosquitoes, black flies

And even maybe a leech.

There are also campfires too

With sing-a-longs of old songs and some new;

Some would rather entertain themselves with reading a book

Or playing board games such as Sequence

Or spending time outdoors taking a scenic look;

During the warmer days when the sun is shining brightly

Some may try tanning to get a beautiful glow

But sometimes they end up with a bad burn rather to show.

There are also meals done up on the barbeque

As the oven often heats up in the cottage

Making one feel ill like they had the flu;

The days at the cottage is such a bonding place

For friends and family to share

As there is so much to actually do

And quality time now days is very rare;

These days at the cottage seem to go by rather fast

But the beautiful memories created here are meant to last.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photo is taken at Burk’s Falls, Ontario, Canada)


pic of moving sun

If only the good times would last,

Rather than just being a part of one`s past.

Then think how happy one could possibly be,

If happiness and laughter is what they now would see,

This can happen if we allow ourselves to focus less on our troubles

Because then true happiness in life can finally double.

Now anything in life can seem so easy to accomplish, making everything

More of a blessing and fewer things to go wrong but rather right;

It is because of this new found positive attitude of yours

A brighter view on life can be brought to light.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


pic of heaven for blog

Time passes so slowly since you went away.

It just seems like only yesterday you were with me here to stay.

But then life got in the way,

Taking you so very far away;

Now time seems to stand so very still

And so does the pain against my will.

I cannot keep the tears from flowing

Down my cheek,

For every thought of you makes me feel so weak.

They say that time heals all wounds

But for now I find that so hard to believe,

For as of present all I can do is just grieve.

I know I need to appreciate the time together that we had spent

And cherish every memory, even though I wish more days were meant.

Someday, GOD willing, our paths shall cross again.

But for now, the memories I have of you shall have to help me mend.

For later there will be a brighter future up in heaven for us,

Because this shall be GOD’S gift, the most greatest bonus;

Making this time apart only temporary,

Which is a very good thing for me

Because being separated from you feels like agony;

There is a promise though that GOD made to everyone

And that is that this is not the end

But a new beginning to our `happily ever after,

Where eternity we shall forever get to spend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of no cell phone

Put away your cellphone and your electronics

 Even if it’s just for one day;

Try going for a walk instead

Or boating along the bay;

There is also having fun with playing board games

As many family and friends like to enjoy and play.

You may tend to miss your electronics when they are put away,

For that is all you have come to learn and know

 In this modern day,

But enjoy the time well spent with family and friends

As our life here is only on lend

Because it is to be cherished for time does go by pretty fast

And you just never know how long our life shall ever last.

Friends and family is what truly should matter

 As you will later come to learn and know

Because people are more essential than electronics

As electronics are just “things” for show

Because do you really need to use your phone

Literally everywhere you may go?

The time with family and friends is

What should be most important,

As that is how true happiness in life shall ever grow.

So why not try putting away the electronics more

Because a happier future with friends

And family could be what is now left in store

For more time spent with them is what they truly adore.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel


pic of family and friends at Burk's Falls 

(The picture at the top of the page is from Office.com

and the photo above is with family and friends at Burk’s Falls)

pic of time for blog

(Picture taken from GodVine.com)
