
There is Forgiveness for You

Posted on: July 25, 2014

 Young girl celebrating with confetti

Sometimes we live with regrets of things

 We have done in our past.

Whether it be the lifestyle we lived

Or the temptations we gave into fast.

It was then that we turned away from GOD

But HE is waiting for your return.

As long as you are still here on this earth,

There is so much more left to learn.

Because GOD will forgive you if you just ask on HIM.

There is freedom brought to you

When your life was looking so dim;

You are worthy of HIS love

And you are worthy of HIS forgiveness

As long as you change your ways

And make better use of your days.

No matter what you have done,

A new life is waiting that hasn’t yet begun,

As HIS forgiveness will free you from your pain;

There is nothing to lose now but so much more to gain.

What are you waiting for?

You need to reach out to HIM now

And no longer refrain.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


(This poem was inspired by the song, “It’s Never Too Late” By: Kutless)

(This video is taken from Youtube, to view this inspiring video,

click on the above direct link.)

(Picture is taken from Office.com)

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