
Some Relationships Need Construction

Posted on: July 23, 2014

pic of construction sign

Sometimes after many years of being together

One’s relationship may get quite stale.

In other words everything tends to get boring,

So rather than just working on it they want to bale.

They do this because they find that this the easier way out

And they think in their minds

 They will be happier without a doubt.

Because for them there were no longer any great surprises left for them

 Unless a very important date would arise

Making them feel like a prize.

Many refrain from even doing that,

So the other one may be left feeling so unloved,

  Rather ignored and used like a door mat

As they are left feeling like they had been taken for granted;

This also gives them the sense that the love they once shared

Has somehow lost its spark

And become rather outdated and aged

So for now they just want to disengage.

What a lot of people don’t realize is this happens to many

And the most important thing to remember if this happens to you

Is to not give up, as others do plenty.

They do this because it so easily to just flee

 But in the future this could leave them feeling badly.

I know there may be temptations

That may come upon your way

 As you will later come to see

 Because others may take advantage of this

Situation, making you no longer want to stay;

For that is the devil making his way

So you need to take this time now and pray,

As another person may come along giving you that attention you were craving, allowing you to feel like a queen or king for more than a day.

That’s because everything may appear to be great and wonderful at first,

Because with a new relationship that is the perk,

But you will learn everything worthwhile in life does take work.

This other person may have made you feel

 Like you are on top of the world

But most times these feelings will not last

Because the excitement after time will soon fade fast;

You will later come to realize that you had wished

The other relationship you would have stayed

Because you may have some regrets

Of the hasty decisions you had then made.

Sure everything may appear to be perfect in the beginning

As most relationships new do

But they all take that extra effort too.

Just think of all the time you had invested on your loved one,

That you just now so easily threw away

As life appeared to be no longer fun

And so that new relationship had then begun;

That old relationship you were in had just needed construction

As a road needs repair

So do our hearts need tender loving care.

You will find that new relationship

Will not be flawless either,

As there is no such thing as the perfect pair

Because a love that holds true is very rare.

 That love you shared and threw away

May not have always been grand

But just like with the extra time spent

Weeding your own garden

And fertilizing your own lawn so it doesn’t look so rough or bland;

Just think how beautifully green it then becomes

Just like the neighbouring beautiful yard.

Sometimes this work at first appears to be hard

But when that extra effort and attention is now put into place,

How striking the scenery you were able to achieve in every case;

It is just like when you spend that extra energy

On making your relationship work

A happier life you will now get to embrace.

Romantic Valentine Seniors

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Pictures are taken from Office.com)

4 Responses to "Some Relationships Need Construction"

Your message is definitely true!

I found this is happening so much in today’s society that I thought it was something important to write about. I thought if I could help open the eyes of someone who may be going through this, then I could possibly salvage at least one relationship and it would make me feel like I was somehow making a difference in this world. Diane ❤

Wow Diane! Once again, sounds like this was partly written for me! Almost took that path, but decided to tough it out and realized my depression was causing most of our issues. My marriage has now been under construction and I’m putting in the effort to “fix” it. On Aug 25th it will be our 24th Anniversary, and we’ve had many a time when it’s been under construction! So true about feeling taken advantage of, and of enjoying the attention someone was giving me that I’d been longing for from my husband for quite a long time. Keep up the amazing writings Diane, you are definitely touching lives and making a difference!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience, as others need to know they are not alone and that it doesn’t make them a horrible person if this has happened to them. This is a part of the feelings about being human and the most important thing is that one doesn’t give up too soon and that they try to fix or mend their relationship. All good things in life take work and so does a great marriage and in the end all that effort put into it will pay off because there are many blessings to experience.

Diane ❤

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