
Nature’s Wonders

Posted on: July 8, 2014

pic taken from Terry Archibald

Clear blue skies

And sailboats in the midst,

Walks along the sandy beach,

It’s hard to believe a place like this exists.

It’s a place surrounded by beautiful rock

And nature’s splendour, that one could easliy forget about the clock.

It’s a place to go and forget about your troubles

As sometimes our lives seem to unravel.

It’s great to take in the fresh summer breeze.

Because it makes days enjoyable such as these.

The tide soon shall come in, making the water splash upon your feet.

A cooling sensation each drop creates, as if it wishes to greet.

Making a refreshing feeling upon one’s skin,

Allowing one’s body to now feeler cooler within,

Especially after being out in the hot sun that bakes.

It is so great to sit back and be cooled by the lake.

But Summer is here for just a season,

So make time to relax with nature,

 As it is very pleasing.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: Terry Archibald, Milton, Ontario, Canada)

pic of Terry Archibald

Photographer: Terry Archibald

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