
GOD’S Promise to Us is That This is Not the End

Posted on: July 6, 2014


pic of heaven for blog

Time passes so slowly since you went away.

It just seems like only yesterday you were with me here to stay.

But then life got in the way,

Taking you so very far away;

Now time seems to stand so very still

And so does the pain against my will.

I cannot keep the tears from flowing

Down my cheek,

For every thought of you makes me feel so weak.

They say that time heals all wounds

But for now I find that so hard to believe,

For as of present all I can do is just grieve.

I know I need to appreciate the time together that we had spent

And cherish every memory, even though I wish more days were meant.

Someday, GOD willing, our paths shall cross again.

But for now, the memories I have of you shall have to help me mend.

For later there will be a brighter future up in heaven for us,

Because this shall be GOD’S gift, the most greatest bonus;

Making this time apart only temporary,

Which is a very good thing for me

Because being separated from you feels like agony;

There is a promise though that GOD made to everyone

And that is that this is not the end

But a new beginning to our `happily ever after,

Where eternity we shall forever get to spend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

2 Responses to "GOD’S Promise to Us is That This is Not the End"

Wow!!!! Once again, beautifully said Diane!

Thanks so much!!! That really means a lot!!!


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