
Archive for July 2014


pic for my blog

Some of us have never met in person

Or even talked on a phone,

But the love and support

 You have always shown.

Even though we may happen to live

 Thousands of miles apart

Your caring and supportive words,

Quite frankly touch my heart.

There are no words that I can say to you

  To what you all mean to me,

 But I will try and make a conscious effort for start.

Thank you all for your time,

Thank you for your kindness,

For you make every day more joyous as in every part;

Also all your caring words make that mountain much easier to climb

Because you inspire me to keep going all of the time;

No matter how tough life seems to get.

That’s why my gratitude of your acts of kindness, I am forever in your debt.

Where else but on fb can you talk to someone

 In the wee hours when you cannot sleep?

I hope that our friendships last a whole lifetime,

 As you are all such blessings, I wish to keep.

You make one’s faith strengthen

To take that sudden, brave leap;

You give my life a purpose

 As to not be afraid but have braveness.

And meeting you all on Facebook as my new friends

Well, it has been such a wonderful blessing to me,

And you make me happier than I ever thought I could possibly be.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

❤  Dedicated to all my fb friends

I am so blessed to have you all in my life!

pic of me and Olivia together at Greenview Aviaries 2014

  ❤ (Here is a more recent picture of me that was taken on July 27, 2014 with my little cousin, Olivia Aguiar) ❤

 Couple Holding Hands

Many people are afraid they will always be by themselves,

For fear that they are unworthy of anyone’s love

Because that is how we sometimes look at ourselves.

Some feel that they are possibly not smart, beautiful or handsome enough,

And think who would even want to be with them?

This makes the future of dating not looking bright but rather dim.

You need to build up your self-confidence

Because beauty radiates from this you shall see,

Others do not wish to see insecurity but a happier,

Assured person they would rather want to be around

And the other to actually be;

Occasionally, when we finally date someone

We try to act like someone we are not,

Just to hang on to that relationship.

We end up disappointing ourselves

And all that is left for us now is a sudden guilt trip, which happens a lot.

That is because we may have forgotten our morals

And values that make us who we truly are,

So we ended up caving in to their every whim,  for fear that the relationship

 Would possibly come to an abrupt end and not go very far;

You need to respect yourselves and just be yourselves

And stop being treated like an eschar

Because you are too important to allow yourselves to get burned,

 Set aside and thrown away just like an unwanted, old rusted car.

Finding that special person may not always happen immediately per say,

As many people may come in and out of your life and will not stay.

There is someone out there though that is worthy of your love

And so you just need to be patient more,

As GOD has bigger plans for you that HE has left in store.

 HE will then send that special someone who HE sees fit.

It may not happen instantly, but quite possibly in a bit.

You will find that person who was then brought into your life

Was well worth the wait

Because your two souls were meant to meet

As they end up being your special soul mate.

This person will accept you, for who you are,

Accept your faults and respect you for just being you.

You deserve this type of happiness,

So you owe yourself to always remaining true

And anyone that comes into your life that makes you think otherwise,

You just need to tell them, “adieu.”

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture at top of page is taken from Office.com)

pic for Be Yourself poem on blog

 (Picture is from Facebook.com/ChangeYourThoughtsToday)


pic of my sister Maryann at Greenview Aviaries

Why take life so seriously all the time?

Having fun is not always a huge crime.

Sometimes when we let loose and have some fun

Not always worrying what others think,

Then our joy in life will no longer be gone in a blink.

Take time to laugh,

Take time to smile,

Every moment spent happy, makes life worthwhile.

Life is too short to spend unhappy

So make time for family

And make time for friends

Because you will find they are what is most important in the end.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is of my sister, Maryann Sewell)

pic of laughter saying for blog

(Global Genes Project’s Photo)

pic of me and Olivia together at Greenview Aviaries 2014

Sometimes in life we like to sit back

And stay in that comfort zone we are so used to being.

But what if we take that sudden leap of faith

And do what life has to bring?

Maybe it is that job you hate

But are so afraid to leave,

So you stay in there and just grieve,

Rather than going back to school so you can achieve.

 Maybe for you, taking life by the horns is fighting your disease.

You are thus afraid so rather than staying with a positive attitude,

You give up so your joy in life will now cease.

Don’t give up so easily, as our lives are too short and are only on lease.

If we waste our time worrying and not doing anything about our happiness

Then our delight in life will be short lived

And there are no take backs, as our lives cannot be relived;

So go out there and fight for that joy in life

Or all that will be left for you is a lot of strife.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel


(Picture of me and my little, cousin, Olivia Aguiar, on July 27, 2014)

(This poem was inspired by my dear friend, Brenda McMahon) 


 Young girl celebrating with confetti

Sometimes we live with regrets of things

 We have done in our past.

Whether it be the lifestyle we lived

Or the temptations we gave into fast.

It was then that we turned away from GOD

But HE is waiting for your return.

As long as you are still here on this earth,

There is so much more left to learn.

Because GOD will forgive you if you just ask on HIM.

There is freedom brought to you

When your life was looking so dim;

You are worthy of HIS love

And you are worthy of HIS forgiveness

As long as you change your ways

And make better use of your days.

No matter what you have done,

A new life is waiting that hasn’t yet begun,

As HIS forgiveness will free you from your pain;

There is nothing to lose now but so much more to gain.

What are you waiting for?

You need to reach out to HIM now

And no longer refrain.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


(This poem was inspired by the song, “It’s Never Too Late” By: Kutless)

(This video is taken from Youtube, to view this inspiring video,

click on the above direct link.)

(Picture is taken from Office.com)

pic of construction sign

Sometimes after many years of being together

One’s relationship may get quite stale.

In other words everything tends to get boring,

So rather than just working on it they want to bale.

They do this because they find that this the easier way out

And they think in their minds

 They will be happier without a doubt.

Because for them there were no longer any great surprises left for them

 Unless a very important date would arise

Making them feel like a prize.

Many refrain from even doing that,

So the other one may be left feeling so unloved,

  Rather ignored and used like a door mat

As they are left feeling like they had been taken for granted;

This also gives them the sense that the love they once shared

Has somehow lost its spark

And become rather outdated and aged

So for now they just want to disengage.

What a lot of people don’t realize is this happens to many

And the most important thing to remember if this happens to you

Is to not give up, as others do plenty.

They do this because it so easily to just flee

 But in the future this could leave them feeling badly.

I know there may be temptations

That may come upon your way

 As you will later come to see

 Because others may take advantage of this

Situation, making you no longer want to stay;

For that is the devil making his way

So you need to take this time now and pray,

As another person may come along giving you that attention you were craving, allowing you to feel like a queen or king for more than a day.

That’s because everything may appear to be great and wonderful at first,

Because with a new relationship that is the perk,

But you will learn everything worthwhile in life does take work.

This other person may have made you feel

 Like you are on top of the world

But most times these feelings will not last

Because the excitement after time will soon fade fast;

You will later come to realize that you had wished

The other relationship you would have stayed

Because you may have some regrets

Of the hasty decisions you had then made.

Sure everything may appear to be perfect in the beginning

As most relationships new do

But they all take that extra effort too.

Just think of all the time you had invested on your loved one,

That you just now so easily threw away

As life appeared to be no longer fun

And so that new relationship had then begun;

That old relationship you were in had just needed construction

As a road needs repair

So do our hearts need tender loving care.

You will find that new relationship

Will not be flawless either,

As there is no such thing as the perfect pair

Because a love that holds true is very rare.

 That love you shared and threw away

May not have always been grand

But just like with the extra time spent

Weeding your own garden

And fertilizing your own lawn so it doesn’t look so rough or bland;

Just think how beautifully green it then becomes

Just like the neighbouring beautiful yard.

Sometimes this work at first appears to be hard

But when that extra effort and attention is now put into place,

How striking the scenery you were able to achieve in every case;

It is just like when you spend that extra energy

On making your relationship work

A happier life you will now get to embrace.

Romantic Valentine Seniors

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Pictures are taken from Office.com)

pic of my wedding to Martin

Today is our anniversary of when I became your wife.

We have been together since our late teens,

Over half our life;

Where did all the time go?

First it was us being in our teens, then 20’s, 30’s

And now we are in our 40’s,

These years went by pretty fast as you know.

You still haven’t lost your handsome charm though

Because when I am around you I have this beautiful glow.

We have had some great times

And four beautiful children that made our family grow.

We have also had some many challenging times

As when I got sick

But you never wavered,

For you lifted my spirits up very quick.

You always stayed by my side and you never quit.

Even though some moments were very difficult,

 You chose to hang on real tight, rather than split.

Now all that is behind us and I look forward

To spending many more days and hopefully many more

Beautiful years together as your wife,

Because what a wonderful blessing you have always been

Martin, since you had first walked into my life.

Love Always,

Di ❤

pic of me and my family

 (The picture at the top of the page is from my wedding day,

July 17th, 1993)

(The photo at the bottom of the page

is of my husband, Martin and I and our four kids,

Larissa, Kiara, Brianna & Carter.

This pic is taken by: Jocelyn Meloche)


 (The music video, “Is This Love,” By:Whitesnake is from YouTube)

❤ It holds very special meaning to my husband and I.

It was actually our first song we danced to at our wedding ❤

pic of a child reading

Books are everywhere to be read

As at your local library, book stores or online instead;

Reading books brings knowledge

For our brains to absorb

And the more we read,

 The more the information can reabsorb.

There are many people, who enjoy books,

As some find them hard to put down,

When they take that first look.

There are books to learn from

Or some that have stories that please.

That will help make you feel like you are in a different place,

As in the story line in some of these,

This helps you forget about your life’s worries temporarily,

As for now you don’t need to have to face,

Because it gives you some alone time,

That much desired needed space.

Some people do not like to read

But maybe if they learned that books can be knowledge,

More would succeed.

They just need to give reading half a chance,

Rather than only looking at a cover of a book, barely giving it a glance.

Maybe if they tried reading books on a topic they would like

They might find that reading is actually more enjoyable,

And that reading books they would no longer dislike.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel


 (Picture is taken off of face book)



pic of job search

Do you ever get discouraged

Hunting for a job you would like?

Does the whole thing about writing resumes’

 Also you dislike?

You work so hard to make it impressive to land

That dream job of yours,

But unfortunately there are no open doors.

You have sent your resumes’ all over the place

But not one response have you actually received,

As this always seems to be the case;

It makes you want to quit

By throwing in the towel

But this you should never do,

As GOD will lead you to wear HE sees fit.

Don’t ever give up!!! I know it is so easy to want to

But, eventually that hard work

Of yours will pay off in a bit

And you will see the job you had waited for all this

Time because this special one

Was meant especially for you;

Those doors were closed to you for a reason

Because GOD had a better job

And a greater plan in store that you never knew,

For HE always knows what is best for us,

 Even when we think we actually do.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture taken from Office.com)

(Dedicated to my dear friend, Nicole Parsons)

pic taken from Terry Archibald

Clear blue skies

And sailboats in the midst,

Walks along the sandy beach,

It’s hard to believe a place like this exists.

It’s a place surrounded by beautiful rock

And nature’s splendour, that one could easliy forget about the clock.

It’s a place to go and forget about your troubles

As sometimes our lives seem to unravel.

It’s great to take in the fresh summer breeze.

Because it makes days enjoyable such as these.

The tide soon shall come in, making the water splash upon your feet.

A cooling sensation each drop creates, as if it wishes to greet.

Making a refreshing feeling upon one’s skin,

Allowing one’s body to now feeler cooler within,

Especially after being out in the hot sun that bakes.

It is so great to sit back and be cooled by the lake.

But Summer is here for just a season,

So make time to relax with nature,

 As it is very pleasing.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: Terry Archibald, Milton, Ontario, Canada)

pic of Terry Archibald

Photographer: Terry Archibald
