
Archive for March 2014

pic of an elderly lady with grey hair

As I grow older my hair is starting to go grey.

It has a mind of its own I would say.

Why is it that the hair is so coarse and wiry?

I wish that grey hair would not last and came with an expiry.

It demands attention even when you don’t

As it shoots up like a spring every time that you are out.

Here I go and make myself look pretty in makeup and high heels

But again the grey hair takes centre stage

 In popping right out like it feels;

“Is that a grey hair I see?“

Says my friend who is sitting next to me,

“Oh my,  there are actually three!!!`

Oh great, I just wish I could pull each strand

Rather than letting them just be,

 As they have become such a bother to hide

But unfortunately I have been told if you pull one,

Many attend its funeral and then reside.

They say these grey hairs represent wisdom

But in my eyes they are caused from stress that comes.

Some of us like to cover them up with colour

 Or with stain, as my husband likes to call it;

Others let theirs shine because

They are proud and not afraid to admit.

Be happy with who you are, whether you are grey,

 Bald, curly or straight,

 For no matter what you will always look great.

Because after all you are a gift that GOD did beautifully create.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are from netanimations.net)

pic of an elderly man with grey hairpic of elderly man walkingpic of woman walking with child

pic of embarrassed lady in skirt

Life has some very embarrassing moments you will find.

It happens to all of us in just a matter of time.

You would be surprised at how many have

Had these moments happen to them.

But some would not care to admit out of embarrassment,

For fear it would cause even more mayhem.

Have you ever tripped over a carpet and scraped your knees

Or better yet gone to a restroom

And forgotten to untuck your skirt from your undies?

Maybe you even managed to get toilet paper

 Stuck to your shoe

And while walking out the paper held tight as if it was glued.

What made matters worse is you didn’t properly look at the sign

And ended up in the wrong rest room at the same time;

Only to push rather than to pull the door

So the embarrassment ended up being even more.

You then began to laugh; only it came out as a snort

Instead making you wish you could deport

But unfortunately the only thing that did

Was a boogie that came from your nose.

Making your face flush from

 The embarrassment it now shows.

When you finally made it outside something

 White falls from the sky

 Landing on your head, oh my!

It came from that huge bird that just flew by.

To make matters worse you were meeting a friend

In just a few short minutes,

 So you felt you could almost now cry.

On the way to see your friend you didn’t watch where you were going

And stepped in dog poo.

Unfortunately, you didn’t realize it until your friend said,

What is that smell, pee-yew?

You looked down at your shoe and oh no,

This aroma was coming from no other than you.

When you smiled and managed to laugh.

Your friend looked at you kind of funny

As between your teeth was leftover

 Peanut butter and honey;

The two of you then sat on a bench to talk

But then you decided to get up and walk

Only to find that gum was stuck to where you had sat

And you thought to yourself

Who was the brat that did that?

The gum was now sticking to your bum

Making you feel as though you

 Were going to explode and have a sudden tantrum.

That day was getting cold for it wasn’t very sunny

So you decide to go home

As today you were feeling sort of crummy.

On the way home you thought you noticed another

Dear friend so you scream,” HELLO TOMMY!!!!”

Only to find out it wasn’t who you thought but a stranger

Who looked at you kind of funny

Because it wasn’t even a he but actually a her,

The female kind;

That stranger must have thought you had lost your mind.

You thought I should just get home

Because I don’t want this day getting any worse,

For it felt as though your day had been cursed.

As you finally made it in your door

You looked down and realized

You had left open the barn door.

Oh no, the pants you had changed into the zipper was open,

Making it look like your trousers had then tore.

Today, you thought wow in everything that happened to you

That you must have looked like an eye sore.

Luckily, tomorrow is a new day

And happiness you will once again get to explore.

And you can put behind all that happened at your front door,

Including all the embarrassments of today

Because most things will be forgotten in a day,

At least that’s what you’re hoping that they may.

Written By:

Diane Van Bommel

pic of lady embarrassed in pants

(Photos taken from free stock photos on google)

(I wrote this writing because I thought sometimes we take our lives a little too serious at times and we forget to take the time to laugh. I hope that I am able to bring a smile to your face and somehow manage to also make you laugh.)

Many years have passed since you went away;

If only you didn’t have to leave and you could have stayed.

Then I wouldn’t have been missing you so much today.

I still hang on to the memories each and every day.

It is what gets me through and allows me to feel okay.

There are so many things I wish we would have done

You always made me smile and made life rather fun.

To say good-bye is always hard to do

That’s why I chose then not to.

Because it is not forever that we shall be apart

I know that because of what is deep within my heart.

My faith tells me this is so

And that is why I know.

We shall be together again

As in GOD’S promise future of eternity life

To which we will later gain.

Written: Diane Van Bommel

Sometimes when a child is young

And picks the surface of their sore for fun,

From their banged or scraped up knee,

The scab falls off and blood re-emerges for others to see.

If only they were to leave it alone, that pain would eventually ease.

But instead the soreness from it resurfaces,

Making it feel like the pain from it will never go away

Until that wound finally closes.

The same goes for the emotional pain we may carry,

As in holding grudges to others who may have wronged you

And because of that your anger never leaves.

The wound you carry from the pain can never close

Because you reopen it, every time you refuse to forgive

Or refuse to forget, as that is the way of life that you chose to live.

Sometimes that person who hurt you so badly,

You feel in your heart they don’t deserve any type of forgiveness, sadly.

Because how can they, from what they have all done to you?

As they managed to put your life upside down and in bestrew.

They should have said, “Sorry”

But sometimes these words may never come to be,

So forgiving them doesn’t come very easily

Because some people can be very stubborn, you see.

But, if you choose to hold on to that grudge,

You are letting the other person empower you

For the pain is carried in your heart now weighing you down too,

Whereas that other person may not even give it another thought or two.

When you finally open your heart now to forgive,

It is like putting an ointment on your wound in allowing it to finally heal.

Eventually with the help of prayer that pain

That has burdened you for so long,

Will no longer be there so the sadness you will no longer feel

And for once in your life, that anger will not steal

Any happiness brought into your in life because that joy is real.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Inspired by a priest, Fr. Ben, from his Mission at our church. He had some wise words for every one that I thought I would like to put out there, for we can all hopefully learn from them. Please, reach down into that heart of yours in finding the strength to forgive those who may have hurt you. When you choose to make that decision, happiness and freedom will await you.)
