
Be a Shining Star

Posted on: January 16, 2014

pic of star 

You too can become a shining star.

Set your goals high and you can go far.

Don’t let others discourage you

In telling you that you never can do

Because the choice is totally up to you

For you are capable of achieving

If you really start believing;

When you finally go out there

And give it your all.

You would be surprised at how well

You will shine

And that is the best revenge you can do

That doesn’t involve any crime.

So continue to do be the best you can be

And your true radiance will soon shine through,

Allowing others to see your beautiful view

Because it is not just beauty they see on the outside now

But your true beauty is astounding making you a shining star,

Leaving others looking at you thinking that is amazing on how you have come so far.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Taken from Office.com)

(This is written in dedication to my four beautiful shining stars, my children: Larissa, Kiara, Brianna & Carter. I love you all to infinity and beyond. Love Always, Mom)

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