
Archive for January 2014

pic of star 

You too can become a shining star.

Set your goals high and you can go far.

Don’t let others discourage you

In telling you that you never can do

Because the choice is totally up to you

For you are capable of achieving

If you really start believing;

When you finally go out there

And give it your all.

You would be surprised at how well

You will shine

And that is the best revenge you can do

That doesn’t involve any crime.

So continue to do be the best you can be

And your true radiance will soon shine through,

Allowing others to see your beautiful view

Because it is not just beauty they see on the outside now

But your true beauty is astounding making you a shining star,

Leaving others looking at you thinking that is amazing on how you have come so far.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Taken from Office.com)

(This is written in dedication to my four beautiful shining stars, my children: Larissa, Kiara, Brianna & Carter. I love you all to infinity and beyond. Love Always, Mom)

Girls on phones.Young Girls Operating Cell Phones with a Young Boy (10-14) Standing Behind Them 

Cell phones are the new craze.

It seems like this is more than just a phase.

Now a days most people have them

And they sometimes can cause such mayhem.

It is not just for the young but for the old as we know.

People are getting too much dependent on them

 And taking them wherever they must go;

Some people take them even into church

And the ringers go off during service,

Leaving them scrambling to search

So they can quiet it down

As its sound is aggravating parishioners all around,

 Especially in the nearby rows;

 People must know this ought to be a big no, no.

They even take them in the restaurants where they eat

Or when they go to bed to sleep;

If they don’t have them with them, their life feels so incomplete.

That is why they also take them in the car

Where some even text on them

Where an accident is then waiting to happen

And if this is you,

You know exactly who you are.

Cellphones are even taken into the restrooms too

Because people sometimes carry them in their pockets since they are usually stuck to them like glue.

This is not always the wisest place for them to be kept

As these cellphones have been known to fall into these porcelain bowls where they do get wet,

Causing the owner to be upset and so they may have wept.

Do you really need to carry these phones everywhere you must go?

If you insist on doing so, always having this phone with you in tow,

Then why not try shutting it off for awhile

And allow your friends and family time with you

As they must miss your smile;

Although the cell phone as become the new craze

Let us not forget the importance of family and friends

In our present and future days

Because you don’t want to live your life in regret

That you didn’t give that loved one the time and love that they deserve Since the two of you have met.

 This could become a greater problem or even a greater threat.

Because they may not be around forever

Or if it is your significant other,

They may get sick of the lack of time spent

And leave you all together.

Don’t let your cellphone be the centre of your life

Or the happiness will be missing, since all is left is actually strife.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)

pic of someone on phone

Life is too important to take for granted

So enjoy every moment with those in your life

 That GOD has planted.

It is with our busy lives, we tend

To not make the time like we should

 For our loved ones that we actually could;

Why not take the initiative

To text, call or visit,

We need to take positive action,

Rather than sitting back waiting for a banquet invitation;

Don’t wait for trouble coming to brew

Or for a friend to come down with a flu

Before you show that person the importance they are to you.

What are you waiting for?

You need to stop what you are doing right now

And make that important call to exit out your door

To visit that someone who is long over due

For that special time to be spent with you;

You will feel so glad you did

When you are greeted with that smile

 That is hard to outbid;

If anger is keeping you from taking action

There is no better reason

Than to let this negativity all go

Or your life will be unhappy as you must know.

Remember life is too short to loose time

With that loved one.

You don’t want to live your lives with sorrow

 Or regret that you cannot out run,

So why not try something you may not be used to and that is “forgiveness”, it is not just meant for some but for everyone.

You would be surprised of the blessings that will follow

Because more happiness in your life will soon shadow,

So what are you waiting for because next year is already here?

And I am sure your choices are now clear,

This is what you need to do for joy in your life to appear.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Picture taken from Office.com)

pic of Happy New Year

At the beginning of each New Year promises are being made,

As New Year’s Resolutions are being played.

It is a chance to make a new beginning,

“As in out with the old and in with the new.”

It is a chance to make a fresh new start now too.

Maybe your goal is to lose a few pounds or two,

Or to quit smoking or to limit your time watching television,

As you are there for wee hours

Because your eyes are usually stuck to it like glue;

Maybe you have even decided to keep a cleaner home,

Or to volunteer more of your time to those who live alone.

Another thing you may have chosen to do

Is to eat healthier and eat less takeout food,

Even though your mind and stomach always crave it all the time

Because it is so familiar with it is since that is what it has gotten so used to.

There are so many resolutions you could make

But the unfortunate matter is these things may be easy to do at first,

But just as easy to fall back on and break.

You can do it,

Whatever you set your mind to

Because there is an inner strength to all of you

That you may have not known,

Because that side of you may have been hidden

And possibly never shown;

We can accomplish what we may never thought possible to do,

But with faith and determination

Our goal, our resolution can become true.

The most important thing to remember is to never give up

On what you set out to do

Because that resolution of yours can be mastered

By believing in yourself;

This can be easily accomplished

When you take on a more positive outlook or change your point of view.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture taken from Office.com)
