
Be a Rainbow in Someone’s Life

Posted on: December 6, 2013


When there is darkness in someone’s life try

To bring them light,

Sometimes even a quick “hello” or smile

Can make the other person’s day seem bright.

It is in our darkest moments these simple gestures

As in a card or text can make everything

For them feel much brighter and more right.

It makes the other person feel special

And that someone out there actually understands

Because feeling like you are facing life alone can take its own toll

Because of life’s busy demands;

Your kindness will never be forgotten

Nor your cheerful words or acts too

Because your feelings of compassion have now taken action and that is

Sometimes all we may needed was that little boost

To change that negative impact our lives were taking so that a new found happiness can be introduced.

It is just like after a rain, GOD promises us a rainbow.

Well the same goes with our life,

When someone is facing strife,

Let us be that homemade rainbow that brings our lives out of the rife.

The true beauty of the rainbow you create

Will be captured with all of the colours of the rainbow

That brings us hope, encouragement and now takes us to a whole new level, of this new discovering bright light.

And to think this all became a possibility because

You became a rainbow in someone’s life.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)

pic of woman carrying a rainbow

(Dedicated to the stranger, “Veronica”, I met over a year ago over the phone at the appointment office at the hospital. I asked that day for you to pray for me, while I was going through cancer and since that day you have sent me a few cards of encouragement and I never met you in person, or learned your last name or where you are even from but you continue to pray and be the rainbow in my life, so thank you!   Diane)

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