
Winter is in the Midst

Posted on: November 12, 2013

pic of wintery scene

The leaves have fallen from the trees

And there is a now cool, crisp breeze.


I feel the wind taking on a mind of its own now too,

Blowing everything in its path, the way it likes to do.


Many like me would rather now stay inside,

As the coldness

Leaves no longer any warmth to provide;


The roads are now a dread,

Due to the snow that just lies ahead.


This causes black ice and slippery conditions;

For people having to travel these roads, it really sickens.


But there is a bright side to this weather

For the white glistening snow showers the earth

With a beautiful whiteness, that looks as if the land

Has now given rebirth;


For those of you who really dread this time of year,

Just remember it is only for a few short months, so don’t fear.


As spring time will be coming in the rear,

Shining us with its presence

And warmer temperatures;

That we just can’t wait for, as that day finally appears.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is taken from Office.com)

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